Explaining the motivation for corruption in science

There are many theories accounting for the high level of corruption in science, at the bottom of this post I will list links to previous posts related to the subject.  Some say that that it has to do with suppressing free energy and relates back to Nikolai Tesla and beyond.  Some say that it has to do with justifying the billions spent on taxpayer-funded initiatives from CERN to the large hadron collider.  Others say it has more to do with the guardians of the outdated standard model justifying their positions politically.  I really don't know to be honest, but Wallace Thornhill does a bang-up job explaining it in the clip below and I'm inclined to agree with him until a better circumstantial case of motive comes along.  We must remember that the evidence is already in for the corruption regarding the fraudulent standard model being outdated, but does the establishment dogmatically stick by it because they are slow on the uptake?  unlikely if you ask me. They are scientists after all so we must go with the likelihood that they are not stupid.  It really appears to me that it must be corruption at some or other level.  The only speculation I am engaged in is substantiating the motive.

There is no such thing as #GravitationalLensing there is no #HiggsBoson and there is no #DarkMatter . While we are at it, reality is not a #2DHologram projected onto a #3DSphere either, along with whatever other nonsense #Stringtheory wants us to swallow as a mathematical parody of science and observation. For these matters and more see the below links from this blog or this great post from Thunderbolts.info https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2019/05/06/seeing-through-dirty-lenses-2/

And very importantly!




More from Thornhill if you enjoyed his logic.

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