The torture reports are watered down lies. Heres why, What are your thoughts?

The torture or advanced interigation details doing the rounds dont tell the truth about the legacy of US torture in the last decade. Rape, child abuse in front of parents and the worst kind of sadism imaginable are the real legacy as pointed out by one example here:

In the wake of the latest outrage of further details of recent much milder half truths regarding CIA torture being made public we just have to wonder what we stand for in the west if these are our methods? Some people don't seem to mind, please vote in the poll in the top left of the blog body whatever your feelings may be.
More disturbing arguably are the without trial assassinations carried out on foreign soil known as drone killings.
Since 2004 (According to Wikipedia), the United States government has attacked hundreds of targets in Northwest Pakistan using unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency's Special Activities Division. Most of these attacks are on targets in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas along the Afghan border in Northwest Pakistan.
These strikes began during the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, and have increased substantially under  Barack Obama.
Amnesty International found that a number of victims were unarmed and that some strikes could amount to war crimes.
Pakistan's Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, has repeatedly demanded an end to the strikes, stating: "The use of drones is not only a continual violation of our territorial integrity but also detrimental to our resolve and efforts at eliminating terrorism from our country".[28] The Peshawar High Court has ruled that the attacks are illegal, inhumane, violate the UN charter on human rights and constitute a war crime.

Of course many more Drone killings happen in North Africa, Yemen and other countries whose boundaries, innocent collateral citizens, extradition treaties for the suspects etc are not respected by the US who commits what ultimately amounts to murder for a shadowy agenda never revealed to the public.

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