I think my instincts when I wrote this post in December last year were quite good.
Update 16th March 2019:
For the first time in years, certainly since I began writing this blog, I can smell blood in the water. I get information from many different places and over the years I've been able to gauge which sources provide information that is reliable and who the lame ducks are. Some sources are great for data, others are less valuable for data but are more accessible for a blogger like me who has found that exposure is difficult with the subject matter I do and a high hit count comes from repeat views and shares rather one-off views. Embedding links from documented archives or dot edu and dot gov links don't bring people back, but YouTube links, despite all the censorship and demonetization that goes on, still seem to be more useful to people. Video media allows us to hear tone of voice and read body language which are in themselves more valuable often than raw data. This has lead me to believe that real social change is finally on the horizon. I don't know how long its going to take but the corner has been turned.
The big one has been happening in France with the Yellow Vest Protests. If you scratch below the surface all the right issues are being addressed. This is amazing. A few years back the public at large never even knew about half the issues, let alone were prepared to get off their asses and do something about it. Even more amazingly the left and right have come together and united against the banksters, carbon taxes, corporate corruption in government and, get this, the globalists! This is without doubt a watershed moment.
I've embedded a link from the WeAreChange website where Luke Rudowski's excellent instincts for this sort of thing have lead him to personally go down to France and see for himself what has been happening. I trust his judgment perhaps more than anyone and over the years he's been consistent and well informed. What he's found over in France has been nothing short of remarkable. I won't say anything more more it's vital you watch this clip all the way.
It certainly appears the vipers den of the Neoliberal globalist bankster order, the EU, is staring down the barrel of a gun. I always thought change would need to come from the US but I guess I must have missed some major cues despite BrExit and some other proceedings. But what of the US? Trump2016 did shake up the GOP establishment but the left/right divide is wider than its ever been and that is the missing ingredient from giving the US its Paris moment is that same partisan divide.
Conservatives, despite making more progress in the post Bush/Cheney era than liberals (who all seemed to driving over a cliff together in an SJW bus) are still too focused on Islam and Israel to understand the real dangers of US foreign policy, and still too enamored by Trump to spot that his backers have now surrounded him by a team that are more Neocon that the Bush Administration. . Put your feelings about Trump on ice and recognise the change in the party.
The left has finally made some progress, despite the fact that they are still suckers in areas like climate change.
See if you agree with me, here are two popular left leaning shows. Put your feelings for Ocassio Cortez aside and focus on their angles and content.
The UK's establishment sock puppet Tory government is on the ropes.
Finally, the Irony of the MSM hypocrisy in all of this can not go by unnoticed.