Assumptions In Science 2) The Thermonuclear Fusion Model Of The Sun

The Sun in various ionization bands. Credit: David H Brooks, Ignacio Ugarte-Urra, Harry P Warren.

As an indroduction I strongly suggest viewing the below clip because it does a nice job of invalidating the current model, Eddington's inside out model where the lightest element (hydrogen) somehow finds its way to the centre of the star where it's said to fusion to helium, and as far as I am concerned that is it, case closed! 

"I can find no way to state this diplomatically, so let me be blunt: The modern astrophysical concept that ascribes the sun’s energy to thermonuclear reactions deep in the solar interior is contradicted by nearly every observable aspect of the sun."

Ralph Juergens

As a science junkie, I am drawn to the discipline by its explanatory powers and I see modern technology as a testament to that.  However, the more interested I become the more surprised I am when I discover that some of the most widely accepted "facts" are as yet unproven which to me is astonishing because science prides itself on being evidence-based, which it is. 

The standard model of the sun violates the first law of thermodynamics!

What leads to my astonishment is not that we don't have all the answers but that popular understanding of science has unfolded in such a way that someone like me does not encounter the fact that certain aspects are not definitively proven until he takes sufficient interest in really look into them.  

I'll use an example that brings me to the theme of the post. We often hear from astrophysicists that the thermonuclear fusion model of the sun is well tested. It is not. We has successfully reproduced each step under great artifice, but continuous hydrogen to helium fusion HAS NOT been achieved and remains the holy grail of science. (See below.)

But you will hear that despite this failing, its still the best science we have. Thats something you will hear often in astrophysics and cosmology so get used to it. The truth is for every failing there are usually better tested theories that better fit with observational evidence and measurement data. Sometimes these theories ARE reproducible in labs! Case in point is that we have an experiment on earth that actually confirms, in principle (unlike the current model) the much maligned electric sun model. Click HERE for details. Much more on that to come.

Taking a step back I should point out that I don't include the obvious Global Warming/Climate Change fraud in this assessment because I view it more as a political fraud that happens to have reached its tentacles into science.  I suppose what I'm saying that even in science where no obvious political agenda is manifest you get the kind of establishment territoriality that I always thought would be more of a problem in History because the vested interests make it inevitable, especially in fields like Egyptology where certain interests stand to lose when narratives change. History also explains the agendas behind powerful interests still causally connected to the outcome of wars etc, so where there has been corruption it makes sense powerful interests would have an agenda with the way history paints its participants.  However, in the sciences it's a lot more subtle, so wherever I encounter a possibility I'll post on it, like the below from Stephen Smith. 

Please see Part one of Assumptions In Science: 1)  Dark Matter Does Not Exist before or after reading this. If this series has your attention rest assured there are several more equally controversial posts to come, all of which I would be be prepared to bet my life on as closer to the truth than what conventional wisdom has taught us. All information is easy attainable in the public domain but to make the the job of referencing easier for you I am accumulating a vast library of peer reviewed and published scientific papers and academic articles (found HERE). This includes scientific experiments conducted in world class facilities to back up today's latest industry and engineering projects. 

Here is the first part of a series on the topic in the latest Space News segment from one of the best space channels on YouTube. 

Do convection currents and vibrating magnetic field lines create the dynamic phenomena observed on the Sun?
According to the thermonuclear fusion model of the Sun, hydrogen in its core is crushed with so much force that it is converting to helium, releasing tremendous amounts of energy. The core’s temperature is thought to be 15 million Celsius, with compressive strain greater than 340 billion times Earth’s atmospheric pressure. A common metaphor used to illustrate the process is to imagine millions of hydrogen bombs exploding all at once within a confined space: 700 million tons of hydrogen are said to be converted into helium every second.
The Sun’s surface is known as the photosphere. Above that surface layer is the chromosphere, and above that is the corona, the outermost part of the Sun’s visible atmosphere. The photosphere averages 6000 Celsius, while the corona can be as much as two million Celsius! This is the great mystery that has encumbered researchers. How is it that the hottest region of the Sun begins at an altitude of 4000 kilometres and extends over a million kilometres from its surface without any significant temperature drop?
I suspect there are questions to addressed here regarding the exact temperature difference. There are two splar spectrums and its not fully accounted for that chemical reactions, electrical plasma arc discharge reactions and other fission and LENR reactions are going on and not easy to quantify. However lets accept that certainly some large difference is certain.

Many ideas have been proposed for how this steep temperature rise occurs. Some research groups have concluded, rather idiotically I have to say, it is the “rearrangement of magnetic field lines,” otherwise known as “magnetic reconnection,” that is causing the heating. Both the SOHO and TRACE satellite observatories have detected small, rapidly changing magnetic regions on the Sun’s surface.
It has been suggested that “reconnection events” within those fluctuating fields continuously heat the solar corona. The problem with that theory is that no one has ever observed magnetic field lines “reconnecting.” As Electric Star theory advocate, Dr. Donald Scott has repeatedly stressed, no one ever will.

Another potential explanation for the solar corona’s extreme thermal radiance is that convection on the Sun’s surface causes magnetic field lines to oscillate. As the field lines move up and down, waves travel along them, eventually moving outward into the corona where (presumably) sufficient kinetic energy heats it up.

Well the problem with much of this reasoning, is that magnetic field lines such as we see in text books, don't exist! 

In the electric model of stars, the Sun is a positively charged electrode, an anode, in a circuit, while the negatively charged electrode is located far beyond the planetary orbits. The “virtual cathode is known as the heliopause. That may sound outrageous by current reasoning, but the model goes further and has always predicted that a superheated sheath of plasma would envelope the heliosphere with rapid double layer charge inversion being a defining characteristic. Well guess what the voyager space probes have just uncovered?
As the electric model relates, sunspots, flares, coronal heating, and all other solar activity is most likely a result of fluctuations in electricity from our galaxy. Birkeland current filaments slowly rotate past the Solar System, supplying more or less power to the electric circuit powering the Sun.
The electric current flowing out of the Sun is balanced by the current flowing into it, so perhaps the changes in temperature indicate the magnetic field polarity and the strength of the electric field. If the Sun is connected to the rest of the galaxy by Birkeland current “transmission lines,” then its puzzling characteristics with respect to conventional interpretations are most likely demonstrating the fluctuations in current arriving from the Milky Way’s electric generator.
The Sun’s inverted temperature gradient can be explained by the Electric Star theory because it conforms to an electric discharge within the z-pinch zone of intergalactic Birkeland current filaments. The Sun is a gigantic electric arc, not a ball of hot hydrogen gas. Therefore, much of the energy of the Sun, probably most, is focused from outside and not expelled from inside.

For part 3 in my "assumptions in science" series which deals with assumptions surrounding redshift, the CMB and more, please click here

The Second Solar Spectrum.
The fact that there could be a mix-up between spectrum lines for elements/molecular and lines in air with chemistry vs vacuum vs in denser plasmas with micro fields changes everything. Astrophysicists have no idea what is going on in the sun. They use purely physics, no chemistry, and their model treats the sun as an ideal gas not dense enough for chemistry despite acknowledging the magnetic fields everywhere, they treat it as a mysteriously magnetized gas.
The Chromosphere & Second Solar Spectrum: Monitoring the Chemical Playground of the Sun! Is the Sun a Gas? The Standard Solar Model Explained! Is the Corona at MILLIONS of degrees? J.S. Ames, The Spectrum Researches of Professor J.M. Eder and E. Vallenta, Astrophys. J. 1895, 1, 443-446. M. Saha, Ionization of the Solar Chromosphere, Phil. Mag. 1920, 40, 479-488. J.A. Anderson, The Vacuum Spark Spectrum of Calcium, Astrophys. J. 1924, 59, 76-96. C.M. Olmstead, Sun-Spot Bands Which Appear in the Spectrum of a Calcium Arc Burning in the Presence of Hydrogen, Astrophys. J., 1908, 27, 66-69. A.V. Demura, Physical Models of Plasma Microfield, Int. J. Spectros. 2010, 671073, pp42. H. Zirin, The mystery of the chromosphere. Solar Phys., 1996, v. 169, 313–326. G. Tsiropoula G., et al. Solar fine-scale structures I. Spicules and other small-scale, jet-like events at the chromospheric level: Observations and physical parameters. Space Sci. Rev. 2012, 169, 181–244. P.M. Robitaille, The Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Model of the Sun and the Solar Atmosphere IV. On the Nature of the Chromosphere, Progress Phys. 2013, 3, L15-L21. D. Nield, How Paint and a Speaker Could Explain The Physics of The Sun's Plasma Jets, March 13, 2022. Spicules in H-Alpha Credit: Big Bear Solar Observatoryλ J.O. Stenflo and C.U. Keller, New Window for Spectroscopy, Nature 1996, 382(6592), 588. J.O. Stenflo and C.U. Keller, The Second Solar Spectrum. A new window for diagnostics of the Sun, Astro. Astrophysics 1997, 321, 927-934. J.O. Stenflo et al., Anomalous polarization effects due to coherent scattering on the Sun. Astron. Astrophys. 2000, 355 789-803. J.O. Stenflo, Polarization of the Sun’s continuous spectrum, A & A, 2005, 429, 713-730. P.M. Robitaille, Polarized Light from the Sun: Unification of the Corona and Analysis of the Second Solar Spectrum – Further implications of a Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Solar Model, Progr. Phys. 2015, 11(3), 236-245. Second Solar Spectrum A.M. Gandorfer, High Resolution Atlas of the Second Solar Spectrum, Istituto ricerche solari Aldo e Cele Daccò, Locarno.

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