Globalist Coin? Would the Globalists use a cryptocurrency for their One-World-Currency?

Issuing digital Fiat Currency was always going to be the candidate for the famed "Öne-World-Currency" planned by the internationalist central banking "NWO" because typing ones and zeros onto your digital balance sheet by legal mandate was always going to be easier than printing physical money. But digital Fiat Currency is not a Cryptocurrency.  The only thing they have in common is being digital.  The globalist angle here is actually a cashless society to completely control the grid (meaning credit card transactions, payments, foreign exchange and bank accounts)  This way they shut out what used to be known free-market capitalism in the good old days, now known as the informal sector.  Such entrepreneurial enterprises outside of the centralised framework of banking, SWIFT, PAYPAL, and the bankster frameworks of foreign exchange and Visa/Mastercard accepted by all the retail monopolies, usually globalist retail companies by policy rather than ideology even if they are not multinationals because they are still corporate.  Crypro may shut out beggars for now but even though it's digital its decentralised and controlled by the people on a distributed network of peers via a blockchain rather than some standardised SAP system under centralised bankster administration.  This clip will demonstrate how Bitcoin is boosting the informal sector, particularly the dark web and the surprising conclusions.we can now come to.

The other important factor is that real crypto cannot be printed by some shadowy central cabal, by government or by corporations, it has to be mined.  This would collapse the economy where the banksters rely on QE money printing for their means of control, so digital currency and cryptocurrency have even less in common than most people think.

Here are my requirements for real crypto if you are interested.

The establishment oligarchs have taken gold and silver, peoples money, and issued our currency for us.  Their oligarchy establishment will only accept their currency and can turn you off from their grid under centralised control at any moment.  Without cash, you would be utterly lost in that situation.  With crypto, you could at least transact anonymously if you know the means and nobody can "switch you off".

This is the main reason why I will not go full socialist under corporate/govt administration as long as we are on a monetary system, although it does seem likely that some or other form of socialism may be needed for a long time yet for medical, pension, military, prisons and social services to keep the multinational globalist vultures away from the benefits that they are entitled to since it's their tax that funds it. Those that take a simple "pro" or änti" stance on capitalism lack imagination or don't understand that socialism can be used by malicious forces just as capitalist forces do on Wall Street today.  Capitalism is evolving away from the oligarchs to the people by the following means, slowly reintegrating into society":

Capitalism can be for the people or entrepreneurial even today, even though it's moving outside the formal sector, which the globalists would consider "The Establishment."


  • Cryptocurrency
  • Street Vendors
  • Some taxi drivers outside of globalist schemes like Uber
  • The black market
  • Smuggling 
  • The Dark Web
  • Stokvels
  • Spazza Shops
  • etc... basically anywhere where they don't take credit cards.

So why would the globalists want Crypto? I doubt it, but there are rumours that if Hashgraph is used instead of blockchain, which solves the Byzantine Generals problem of consensus, is not open source software, the crypto may not be decentralised, especially if they use pre-mined tokens, and all sorts of back-doors could exist for the globalists to move into, copyright or monopolise rather than destroy cryptocurrency.  They are already buying and gaming crypto, but this will never give them the control they need, they just influence the investment value.  Ultimately crypto is increasing in value due to scarcity whereas fiat is inflationary due to expanding the currency supply faster than goods and services, and deficit spending growing faster than GDP.

The fiat currency "One World Currency" would likely be digital, and follow a similar path that the Euro did with the globalist EU single currency zone, it would not be a cryptocurrency.  The IMF already has the prototype, the Special Drawing Right, known as the SDR, currently being made into a currency basket with the USD, Euro, Yuan, Ruble in preparation for phase-in after the IMF forecloses on the Fed, whenever that may be.

That being said, the following developments are interesting:

The above clip gives a thorough synopsis, but here are some contrasting takes from differently aligned sources:

Keep watching that space!

Having a free market of various cryptocurrencies has its benefits,  such as not having central bank monopoly of the money creation process and having them LOAN BACK our money to us as if it were theirs and afford bondholders investment opportunity with the nation's taxation as surety just to enable deficit spending, but there is a caveat.  One of the fundamental points of having a non-inflationary cryptocurrency is precisely because having only a fixed number of Bitcoins or whatever able to be mined, scarcity is ensured, but removing limits on the number of crypto's themselves defeats this purpose because even if the banksters are not creating the actual currency, the system can be gamed, so it will interesting to see how the community deals with this challenge.


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