Googles new censorship and regime change company / Think Tank

Google is no longer just towing the globalist line, it is actively pushing the establishment narrative on all the flashpoint issues where censorship is required and in all the regions where regime change is required.

Welcome to the Orwellian reality of Google's new hybrid think-tank/ Company JIGSAW.

According to establishment mouthpiece, Wikipedia, the sanitised blurb for Jigsaw is as follows:

Jigsaw, formerly Google Ideas, is a technology incubator created by Google, and now operated as a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. Based in New York City, Jigsaw is dedicated to understanding global challenges and applying technological solutions, from "countering extremism", online censorship and cyber-attacks, to protecting access to information.Wikipedia
Formerly called:Google Ideas (2010–2015)
Type:Think tank
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