South Dakota Makes A Stand Against Mandatory Vaccination: House Bill 1235

1 Glenn Swart
With all the hype around the Corona Virus this may become a very contentious issue. Here is a good grounding before reading Jon Rapoport's article. 

 Jon Rappoport
Well, what do you know? One state in the US is pushing back against mandatory vaccination of children. And not just pushing back—but standing on Constitutional principle. In the state legislature.
It’s South Dakota.
Last week, House Bill 1235 was introduced (for full text, click here; for legislative history, click here).
As reports“South Dakota bill introduced to prohibit schools from requiring immunizations,” (Feb 5, 2020):
“House Bill 1235 states that ‘No public or nonpublic post secondary educational institutions may mandate any immunizations for school entry. A public or private post secondary educational institution may request any student to submit medical records. No educational institution may use coercive means to require immunization’.”
“The bill would make it a Class 1 misdemeanor for ‘any educational institution, medical provider, or person to compel another to submit to immunization,’ according to the bill text.”
And then, here is the principle, boldly put in the bill:
“’Every person has the inalienable right to bodily integrity, free from any threat or compulsion that the person accepts any medical intervention, including immunization. No person may be discriminated against for refusal to accept an unwanted medical intervention, including immunization,’ the bill states.”
An idea whose time has come. An idea whose time is centuries old.
As most readers know, the CDC, state health agencies, vaccine manufacturers, tech giant censors, and various other medical/government honchos have been chipping away at the right of the people to refuse medical interventions. The strategy, led by California, has been to go state by state, passing laws that make toxic childhood vaccinations mandatory.
But now, that strategy, in South Dakota, has been turned around. It’s a spark that has to be nurtured, and blown into a flame that will signal other states to follow suit.
For those who have forgotten, the Constitution was originally ratified by the newly created states, through their legislatures. The states were giving up certain enumerated powers to the new federal government. This was not a mere formality. The states were not puppets of central government. In principle, they still aren’t. Those who now want to wipe away states in favor of one great melted cheese glob of a nation know exactly what they’re doing.
They’re trying to eradicate one of the last safeguards against overarching federal power.
In the meantime, they’re using their resources to turn the states into captured entities, which rubber stamp every covert and overt control op dispensed from Above.
“They” go by various names. The deep state. Globalists. Corporate statists. Technocrats. They find it deeply embarrassing that, while they’re trying to turn the WORLD into one vast interlocked corporation, here in the US they’re still dealing with separate states. How can that be?
Why doesn’t every state officially surrender every shred of power to Washington and huddle like abject losers on the steps of federal buildings, openly howling and begging for dollars? 

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