🔲 The two most important facts about Covid19


The first message is that covid19 is terrifying, unique, an existential threat to the human race. It tells people to be afraid. Very afraid. Of death, of uncertainty, of the ‘virus’, of other people, of ‘fake news’. The fear being encouraged is not rooted in facts, and is therefore impervious to them.


The second message is that covid19 is actually pretty harmless and not that much of a big deal.  This message is rooted in a great deal of fact, because, as we have been pointing out since day one, pretty much all the data coming out about this virus supports exactly this conclusion. No official body has ever denied this, and most of them readily admit it. Regularly and unambiguously. Here and here and here and here.

From the beginning of this crisis we have been pointing out that there are two mutually contradictory messages at the heart of the covid19 rollout, and, just as Orwell describes in 1984, a major point of the exercise seems to be to get people to believe both at the same time.... read the article (courtesy off-Guardian) ...... HERE.
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