Note: The graphs below illustrate at a glance that whatever the actual role of CO2 (by correlation between temperature and CO2) it is certainly not consistent with a gas making up 0.04% of the atmosphere functioning like a glass roof. This is a pity because Mars (96% CO2) would probably be a bit warmer if it were. The graphs come from a single excellent recent paper (details below) which is well worth a read. It is less about CO2 in isolation and more about CO2 with respect to THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT itself. You can also find it here where you can download a PDF. It does a perfectly good job of dispatching the nonsense science used by Climate Change movement to strongarm their way into the various avenues of social influence both scientifically and politically. Because of this I'm going just going to focus on one tiny little aspect, so minor you never hear it mentioned, yet so soaked in irony it begs to be pointed out.. So that's my objective here, pointing out the role of CO2 in a greenhouse and in the "greenhouse effect", nothing more.
University of the Algarve, FCT-DEEI, Faro, Portugal.
DOI: 10.4236/acs.2020.101003 PDF HTML XML
. The "Green House Effect" is an analogy made to represent the earth and its atmosphere in principle using a greenhouse. For the benefit of those of you who may be a bit fuzzy on the concept of a greenhouse, here below is a quick synopsis of
1) How a real greenhouse works
2) How the greenhouse effect is supposed to work
1. In a real greenhouse CO2 plays no role in creating heat, only in boosting total growth, rate of growth and development of all plant life dramatically |