Electric Universe Fiction: Anemone a Creature/Starship and the Pilots of the Birkeland Currents by Pan Orpheus
A few words by the author on his latest work in EU fiction. I always do my bit to promote the EU cause, particularly by an author of this calibre who has a firm grasp of the EU concepts.
In my fiction, especially my latest book, 'Anemone a Creature/Starship and the Pilots of the Birkeland Currents' virtually all aspects of what we call EU Theory in its broadest sense are explored. The world of the journey of the Anemone is a three dimensional Cosmos where time is a simultaneity. It is a gradated fractal self-similar worlds-within-worlds Universe, where the huge ship travels on a 'Migration' from one star system to another, basically unaware of the tiny command module within.
It is a Universe where Electromagnetism is the dominant force, acting and interacting with Plasma to carry Electricity through a Cosmic Web that may be set against a sea of neutrinos. The original and current contributors and groups to the Electric/Plasma Universe Paradigm are all mentioned in the Foreword or in the course of dialogue that goes on between the crew and passengers.
Mythology is important, since the action takes place in the tenth millennium, a mythology of my own design has already been occurring in the course of my books. This allows for a concept of reincarnation to take its rightful place within my fiction, and features many afterlife characters such as 'Mister E' the Spirit of Nikola Tesla, and Phoebe the Afterlife Spirit of the third Oracle of the Temple of Delphi 'the bright and shining one' (often referred to as the bright, shining and foulmouthed one)! Humor is an element in my books as is music. Stories are told on the ship in a Scheherazade-like fashion. As an example, 'Twain and Tesla on the Mississippi is a chance for some humor and comments by passengers and crew. But it is the Anemone the Creature/Starship that hopefully wins the hearts and minds of the reader as it makes its way on its 'Migration' through the Birkeland Current, bearing in mind a warning from the 'others' of its kind that 'there are predators in those strange seas'.
I believe that for many readers 'Anemone a Creature/Starship and The Pilots of the Birkeland Currents will light up the skies with the whole of the Electric Universe/Plasma Cosmology Paradigm.
Howard Lipman aka Pan Orpheus