Understanding The Mechanisms Of Globalization: Putting It All Together

                                                                         What is globalization?A complex system of interacting factors.

What is globalization? It's the opposite of the global village where we all communicate for next to no cost, share information and eradicate poverty in a near Utopian state of being civilized. Globalization is what used to known as Rothschild Zionism, or colonialism in the name of the crown, which was owned by Rothschild but due to anti Semitic religious attitudes at the time, colonialism was the palatable smokescreen that the local British population would culturally tolerate.  Indigenous populations at the time had no votes so they were victims of genocide.

We got enslavement rather than becoming civilized, because as we globalized, power was centralized and controlled by fewer and fewer.

It's a complex system, and hard to find coherent engineering unless you understand that the few consistent principles applied only as loose co-operation, by mandate of international institution policy or, when things don't go as planned, by intervention by those at the very top of the pyramid.

Unless you understand this MO it all appears to complex, to much "conspiracy" and not enough "Occams Razor".  Once you understand that major global institutions were set up to service this agenda you realize it requires no engineering. The system runs itself.  The establishment is established.

                                                Lets deconstruct:  Who is really benifitting and who is losing out?

What else is globalization? It's not a natural outcome of modern living in a shrinking finite environment. Contrary to popular belief, It's actually the opposite of the "Global Village" we were sold. You know, the global village where we all communicate for next to no cost, have freedom, liberty and dignity and share information freely.  Where we eradicate poverty for once and for all in a near Utopian state of being civilized. 

On the other hand, "Globalization" is what used to be known as Rothschild Zionism (the opposite of Judaism), or its front name once used by the old Rothschild's employees like Cecil John Rhodes, JP Morgan, Paul Warburg and even Lenin, It was often sold as colonialism in the name of the crown, the Crown was basically financed by Rothschild but due to anti Semitic religious attitudes at the time Colonialism was the palatable smokescreen that the local British population would culturally tolerate.  Indigenous populations at the time had no votes so they were victims of genocide.

I have news for you. We got shortchanged. We got an imperceptibly slow process of (again, at the risk of sounding dramatic) enslavement rolled out rather than becoming civilized, because as we globalized, power was centralized and controlled by fewer and fewer. It;s getting to the critical point where we all begin to notice the pressure cooker beginning to peak. That's all of us, not just the citizens of the already fallen cities, such as Detroit.

I use certain principles to predict the outcome of geopolitical and economic affairs all the time, and if you ask anyone that knows me you'll find I almost never get it wrong, no matter how absurd and sensational my calls are when shit goes down initially.

For a crude guide, the principles that underpin globalization are:

1) Own the media and consolidate companies by shareholder arrangements  http://dwahts.blogspot.co.za/2015/09/the-slippery-slope-how-big.html 

2) Divide & Conquer featured as the angle of choice in media.  Black/White 
Democrat/Republican Muslim/Jew Russia/West you name it

This Rhetoric smokescreens the real enemy, so to speak, and can be defined simply as those that take away from the vast majority that have so little and where a case can be made for such interests causing
mass death and suffering to the vast majority where the financially disenfranchised cant exclude it, arguably in exchange for greed, since they have so much already.

3) Central Bankster Economic smoke and mirrors: Sell Price fixing as free market.  Pass Crony Capitalism as Free Market Capitalism: The Petro-dollar: Trade oil in dollars.  Have international trade in dollar hegemony. Link the major global currencies to the dollar, then once achieved, in an act of violation of the good faith agreement, ambush the world remove the dollar from a check and balance system.  This happened in 1971
When Bretton Woods removed the gold standard. The Fed now peddles a fiat system that achieves devaluation Keynesian style and use a trickle down wall street mantra of fiat money printing, QE and other devices which will, by design keep the money from the peasants.

4) Globalization of War and Perpetual War: Remove the populations money via taxation and send to a seemingly justifiable military cause. Finance arms via military industrial complex linked blue chip companies. Subjugate nations militarily that resist the agenda.

5) Use Technology to spy, manipulate markets and search engines, media and craft public public sentiment or zeitgeist

6) Globalization Of Agriculture. Same Multinationals from Oil, Media and Banking Shareholder arrangements to control the worlds food supply rather than feed the world. Control Water and Land resources.

7) Boost lobby, in particular the BIg Pharma lobby, for complex reason.

8) Destroy entrepreneurs in favour of creating employees, destroy unions and labor bargaining power Privatize Prisons and maximise the minority population behind bars paid for by public tax earning profit for Prison Inc, eliminate mom and pop operations and get big Multinationals to franchise disenfranchisement.  Gene patent farming to eliminate family owned farms so that Monsanto types can turn them into employees, ultimately earning minimum wage, like peasants. Feudalistic method.
The principles that underpin globalisation are:

1) Own the media http://dwahts.blogspot.co.za/2015/09/the-slippery-slope-how-big.html 

2) Divide and conquer featured as the angle of choice in media.  Black/White 
Democrat/Republican Muslim/Jew Russia/West you name it

This Rhetoric smokescreens the real enemy, so to speak, that means those that take away from the vast majority that have so little and
cause mass death and suffering to the vast majority in exchange for greed, since they have so much already.

3) Petro-dollar: Trade oil in dollars.  Have international trade in dollar hegemony. Link the major global currencies to the dollar, 
then remove the dollar from a check and balance system.  This happened in 1971
When Bretton Woods removed the gold standard. The Fed now peddles a fiat system that achieves devaluation Keynesian style and trickle down
economics, QE etc keep the money from the peasants

4) False Flags and Perpetual War: Engineer terrorist threats or fake attacks on own people to justify common enemies as war pretext and for proxy wars. Create mythical dictators to export democracy to nations whose resources are coveted.  Facilitate this cost by removing tax money and send to a military cause. Finance arms via military industrial complex linked blue chip companies. Subjugate
nations militarily that resist the agenda.

5) Eliminate Liberty in exchange for security, Patriot act etc. Use Technology to spy, manipulate markets and search engines, media and craft public public sentiment or zeitgeist

6) Globalization of agriculture. Control the worlds food supply rather than feed the world.

7) Boost lobby, in particular the BIg Pharma lobby, for complex reason. Make for profit medicines and vaccines mandatory. Privatize all Govt functions gradually.

8) Destroy entrepreneurs in favor of creating employees, destroy unions and labor bargaining power Privatize Prisons and maximize the minority population behind bars paid for by public tax earning profit for Prison Inc, eliminate mom and pop operations and get big Multinationals to franchise disenfranchisement.  Gene patent farming to eliminate family owned farms so that Monsanto types can turn them into employees, ultimately earning minimum wage, like peasants. Feudalistic method.

9) Mop up the collateral with increasingly militarized Police, and ultimately, after global war or a major event, FEMA CAMPS

10) Eliminate competing global models, like Russia and China

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