Turning The Tide

My third "Syria By Syrians" Post (See http://dwahts.blogspot.co.za/p/syria.html)

A poignant contrast of fortunes wit these photographs above from today, 22 Feb 2016, and the ones below from just yesterday. Above (uploaded by Samiah Assade and Ghassan Al-Assad from Damascus, Syria.) shows the liberation of a thermal power plant in Eastern Aleppo by the SAA from desperate and defeated terrorists just a day after the people of Homs faced the horrific bombings as shown in the photographs below. 

The tide is clearly turning in Syria, and my hope is that their victory can offer some momentum globally to any nation faced with mischief and meddling from the dark and shadowy hand of external influence and their presstitute media yes men.

With Turkish and Saudi Arabian forces massing on the border and mixed signals coming from the US (never a good sign) the future is far from certain, but this series of victories will hearten the local population and surely help in some way with any future challenges they may face. 


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