Reliable collection of various REAL climate indicators!

Settled? Give me a break! This is not even the full story. We don't know the full story.

.The above is a simplification would you believe? The true workings of the earth's climate as an entirety is something we are a long way from understanding.  I hope you are not to horrified to find out it is not, in fact, "settled science".  That statement is somewhere between hysterical and tragic and you shouldn't take such things seriously which I'm sure you won't if you value critical and independent thought which seems, likely if you are reading this blog. You only need to look HERE to see how far science in general is from being "settled", one of the most absurd utterings I have ever heard.

A simpler diagram but just as clear on making the point

I've established more or less as a certainty that there is a political, internationalist push or agenda behind the AGW movement, but science itself has failed both where its bought and paid for, and in more prosaic ways.  Here is a thorough analysis of the topic by my favourite sceptic. It's an excellent video clip and essential viewing for anyone interested in the state of affairs in the scientific community.

The real science and scientific data should be responsibly sourced, thought about rationally and reacted to in a way that does not simply serve as a useful perspective for the political agenda of some unseen hand far away.

Destroying the junk science about the Coral Reefs and Anthropogenic Climate Change & more.

What it certainly should NOT look like, is this epic, steaming pile of turds  posing something scientific:

Here,  in one image is the non-case of the AGW movement if their revisionist "revised data to minimise the distracting role anomalies play in the data.

 If images are not what you are looking for, the best refutation of the AGW climate change science is the one embedded in this link and it was made by the worlds best long-range weather forecaster. IT was made back in 2014 and is also predictively accurate over the subsequent 5 years, something the AGW movement has never been able to claim,

A variety of sources is better.  For a random and accessible basic Idea, perhaps start here:

(More Links)
30 years of media FAILS

Starting with the most important single data set in climate science: The relationship between atmospheric CO2 and temperature for the last 425 million years

For a brief outline of all the pertinent issues involved with misrepresented climate facts, truncated graphs, anomalies represented as data and all the debate points, please read this post which contains links to all the issues (scientific and political) central to the debate.

For great weather models of all varieties follow Doctor Ryan Maue on Twitter:
He works for Weather Models dot com and here is the price structure:

For an incredible tool to get live and past data here is a post with instructions on using it:

Weather Service Data:
Here is the incredible tool:

What science is Google quietly removing?
Resources: (From whatsupwiththat)

Tap for link

More Mythbusting:
Are Natural disasters on the rise and killing more people?

Did you know?
The Idea that we anywhere near the optimum levels needed for plants to grow and flourish like they did in the past is simply wrong.  The earth has been in a crisis of sorts of desertification limiting plant growth to only the most suitable conditions.  It was not always so. CO2 is at historically low levels, it was 7 TIMES HIGHER! n the Jurassic and Cretaceous.

CO2 since 1800
The 2018 figure is the average of seasonally-adjusted figures for June and July, 2018 (which is a good projection for the annual average). Previous years are annual averages.
We also have a similar graph for methane(CH4),
and a combined graph with both CO2 and CH4.
Direct measurements of CO2 at Mauna Loa Observatory, in Hawaii began in March, 1958. This is the annual average data we’ve graphed:–2017)
For monthly data see:

1850-1958 data is from cores).

1800-1850 CO2 data is from Dome ice cores, 75 years smoothed).

NOAA tide data: This makes a very persuasive case.

Milankovitch Cycles

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