The truth about World War One is finally emerging

The Internet functions as the largest open source private investigation tool in history.  At least it does so for the not so gullible.  The gullible will believe anything and the internet is a dangerous place for them.  The challenge of working out the reliable sources from less reliable takes a lot of time and many mistakes.  I was so glad to discover James Corbetts series on World War One which contains so much information that is not only well hidden but hard to believe.  I happen to have been covering alot of similar turf lately and I can tell you that James knows what he is talking about.  I don't agree with his conclusions on everything but I must say  with his WW1 assessment I do, it confirmed everything I suspected in a well evidenced way and ties in perfectly to two of my recent posts:

First, because its not always easy for people to believe the lies of War, perhaps have a look at James overview on false flags, most of which were also hard to believe... before they were admitted to.

Here is the link if you prefer to watch on YouTube: 

The Corbett Report Website:

The World War One Documentary:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Afterthought: History is written by the victors.

The Final Clip below is worth a watch because it deconstructs how it can be that we are taught history that is so fundamentally flawed.

At the end of the day it would be more surprising if that was not the case.  If your university course is mathematics you have little to worry about.  If its History or economics that's another story.

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