COVI-PASS™, AGENDA21 & AGENDA2030 / Deadlines not guidelines

Covipass, is a private sector initiative that just so happens to mirror the globalist solution for the Gestapo "papers please" dystopian smart grid. This initiative may or may not be the genesis for the Technocratic social access passport. I have been anticipating such a system because for the social engineers the various nation's constitutions/ bills of rights will not be neutralized by 2030. They won't go the legal route, they will use their media and influencial institutions to sway the various private company policies or ROARs to effectively shut you out of meaningful social partipation. That means promotion at work, access to flights, restaurant's, being served at grocery stores and other such liberties we take for granted in a supposedly free society. This initiative, which may not be their grid, is already passed development and ready for roll out. I would advise scepticism and a watchful eye.

The Agenda 21
The specific plan, United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, was a product of The Rio Conference held at Rio de Janeiro from June 3 - 14, 1992.   It was to be implemented worldwide in order to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.  As such Agenda 21 marked a new beginning for the U.N., a decisive point of departure for the world organization. 21

This has already been implemented in most global centres to varying degrees. It seeks to concentrate human residency to high volume urban centres using urbanization and regionalization while declaring large swathes of land heritage sites. This is where it ties in with other aspects of the globalist agendas and links to posts covering those will appear at the bottom of this one.

For the United States the agenda will pushed through selected useful idiot politicians and presented as "The Green New Deal". Currently on hold due to the Trump presidency's refusal to co-operate on environmental issues but the plan is to remove Trump from office via several planned impeachment strategies.
Click here for info on US plans.
Click here for the sort of prep being done for South Africa and Africa.

Theoretically United Nations “peacekeepers” could under a globalist puppet presidency, like AOC arrive and see action on American soil following the United States’ announcement of support for “a set of principles that give a green light for U.N. peacekeeping troops and police to use force to protect civilians in armed conflicts.

In China their current move to a manufacturing economy is causing sufficient urbanisation
 so their difficulty manipulating the Chinese government can be tackled at a later date. The Chinese governments proclivity to surveilance means they are already in talks with the biggest globalist social tool available to form a censorship heavy version of Google, which in real terms will be like regular Google censorship but just more official and with different things censored. Searching Google typically hides these issues or its algorithm will only find links alluding to such concerns being "conspiracy theories perpetrated by crackpots"

Some nations, like Canada, have surprising levels of citizen awareness, and the issue is actually receiving a limited degree of media coverage such as the below.

Malcom Roberts testifies on how Agendas 21/ 2030 are destroying the rural communities of Australia, which is of course exactly what they are meant to be doing.

The intergration of the globalist hijack of environmentalism, agriculture, energy, finance, law, war, foreign policy, media, banking, trade, currency, immigration and education can be followed on these current issues:

  • The "quiet doctrinal war" raging around international law
  • How secondary rules become law when they have not been approved legislatively as part of the treaty process
  • Some examples: the Paris Climate Agreement, the Global Compact for Migration, and the Arms Trade Treaty
  • Who's who and who is doing this—the role of legal scholars, nongovernmental organizations, and their funders
  • The opposition—who has been protecting us from this weaponization of international law
  • The tie-in to technocracy, secrecy, ESG investing, and increased centralization—and the use of legal complexity to create leverage out of thin air
  • What we can do
  • Link to overview on the sustainable development portion track to (6.50)

Agenda 2030


If you are battling with the jargon you may find my post here helpful:

Here is all the official propaganda:

After covering the material above, now would be a good time to view an interview/discussion that not only forms a synopsis of this post but also gives a wonderful sense of context, a storyline or perhaps you could even say "plot" (in both senses of the word) It involves two individuals who have over the years been doing great work exposing this agenda. This is actually a fascinating halfway meeting point. James Corbett is widely considered one of the most damaging sceptics to the current globalist establishment, calling them out on war, banking, social engineerimg, false flags etc. Marc Morano has devoted his life basically nowadays to exposing the "CO2 drives Climate" agenda. 

James began tackling the institutionalised corruption that the globalist special interests have harnessed as a means of control, which lead him to the Climate Change agenda. Marc began addressing the scientific irregularities, and after discovering that they were deliberate, followed the breadcrumbs from the opposite direction, and both men found themselves at the same place. The UN. Control. Media subversion.  The lies, the crimes and deliberate of the roll out has been by the unseen hand of cool intellects that operate through this institution and how the UN will be used to swallow up all grass roots national bodies, consolidation of vast power and influence under the same groups that already acheived it in banking, politics, media and education. 

If you enjoyed that format then be sure to check out James Corbetts full length documentary on Social engeering 101 which is available on YouTube at this link:
For those of you not wanting browser history reflecting YouTube via servers here it is embedded:

And from Corbett Report Extras, I'll embed here below the history and future of social engineering:

A full length overview in more detail making things easier to understand on a day to day basis. By John Anthony. 

And Rosa Koire gives great assessments of UN Agenda 21 for sustainable development and Agenda 2030, the prep  program for globalisation. It focuses on urbanization and regionalization.

In case you are one of those who thinks this micro-management of the herd by those special overlords is not so bad, you need to grasp what the simeltaneous capture of the economy, unchecked greed mixed with urbanization produces.

Or California?

Las Vegas

Whether its deflection from real pollution, control of institutions, manipulation via media, or eroding social priorities, none of this would be possible if the climate data reflected the real climate statistics. Due to the misconception that these special interests are not orchestrating this movement, social shutdown strategies and other abuses of "public understanding of science" that it is all the honest and hardworking scientists whose only motivation is concern, (what possible motivation would they have for such grand and far reaching conspiracy?)  its become vital to a complete rundown of the data faud,  which scientific and government autorites were currupted, how they were gotten to and what data was changed (which I have decided to look at in-depth but until that report is ready) Here is a nice assessment on the statistical fraud:

And the last word on the subject can be from one of the "go to" sources in pulling back the curtain on junk climate science, to hear his views on Agenda 21.

The big picture. The globalist agenda. 

This would be a good point to do rundown of how the globalist capture is currently going on the balance of the Agenda items:

Here is how the globalists hijacked the Department of defense and the financial securities market:

Here is how the globalists hijacked the Education Curriculum and the US Department of State:

(above chart) The globalist hijacking of banking.

Central banking globalist dynasties and collateralized land to secure taxation backing for national debt.

Part 2

Big oil globalists and climate change agenda

Takeover of the pharmaceutical and healthcare system:

Cause for concern at the latest COP25 in Madrid Spain:

Who are "the globalists"?

Most importantly, who are the globalists that can specifically be tied to the perpetuating of the climate hoax via following the money trail!

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