The brazen theft of $21 Trillion from the American taxpayer!

"If the U.S. Congress is no longer in control of the issuance of our money supply, is no longer in control of the appropriations and spending process and the power of the purse, and does not authorize wars and international treaties, what exactly does the U.S. Congress do? If you are a U.S. voter and taxpayer, what exactly does your Congressman do?"

Just for some context, $21'000'000'000'000.00 equates to $65'000.00 (sixty five thousand) dollars for every man, woman and child in that country. The theft occurred over 19 years.

That figure, however, represents money coming in and out. Probably around 14 trillion out and 7 in. That adds to the mystery but keep reading and things will get less mysterious. 

This theft represents one theme to explore from a nightmare collection of horriffic, train wreck costs that ended up being the problem of the taxpayer, which can be found here:

This report is a further insult to the American People, and should be considered against the following context:

Socialism for the rich. 
Bank bailouts created state funded banks, the US military is state funded, defense contractors are paid with the money collected from the taxpayers. Banking and Military are where the elites benefit so socialism is called on to fund them. There is no benefit for the elites in healthcare so it won't be permitted to be paid for by the people through their own money collected in taxation. Plus private healthcare is another means for the elites to exploit the poor to pay more. Never let them tell you the poor want something for nothing, the poor want what they paid for in tax to go to them. The rich want something for nothing and the poor are expected to pay for it, and die for it in the case of the military.  In another post I make a case for the US being the worlds most socialist country. 
... back to the report

To find out:
  • The "quiet doctrinal war" raging around international law
  • How secondary rules become law when they have not been approved legislatively as part of the treaty process
  • Some examples: the Paris Climate Agreement, the Global Compact for Migration, and the Arms Trade Treaty
  • Who's who and who is doing this—the role of legal scholars, nongovernmental organizations, and their funders
  • The opposition—who has been protecting us from this weaponization of international law
  • The tie-in to technocracy, secrecy, ESG investing, and increased centralization—and the use of legal complexity to create leverage out of thin air
  • What we can do
The official govt website:

Catherine Austen Fitts site

Its widely known that the US Federal Reserve has no taxpayer oversight, and efforts to audit the Fed are sabotaged. Case in point tbe 9 trillion dollars missing as from 2012 as a result of off balance sheet transactions which nobody is accountable for:

But how many realise that the whole treasury bond market therafter, (including mortage securities etc) no longer has congressional oversight and is not required to report on matters relating to spending of tax revenue collection or deficit spending by the department of defence. 

Moreover, the entire US securities market has gone dark, including the treasury bonds assured by taxation, once so secure and a hit with pensions and provident funds. There may be no oversight to an independent Fed, but sovereign bonds are still documents governed by law. Almost unbelievably, they are not accountable any longer to the taxpayer on responsible spending. Let that sink in. 

Now answer this. Why would you pay your taxes to a banking and weapons industry intelligence cabal? They barely even try to hide it anymore. Certainly the taxpayers money is no longer spent dutifully on the taxpayer, and any oversight and legal recourse through congress is gone. Congress has no real function any more, besides taking bribes from the lobby groups. It's still very much a secret in some ways. I'm almost sure that reason is because it's so surreal. Totally surreal to have had all accountability, transparency and oversight removed without the expected media frenzy. I understand its hard to process, I find it very strange but we need to accept it, because something like this cannot simply be acted upon. 

But it does explain how they have been able to float the stock market, fund the wars, bribe who needs to be bribed etc. It just has not seemed possible. Every time there is trouble, just pump more free money into it. 
This approach saves the elites but wreaks havoc on the fundamentals

To repeat, a government department, the Department of Defense, acting on behalf of many undisclosed and disclosed parties, has failed two audits, has $21 trillion in undocumented expenses and due to national security concerns they no longer need to bother explaining themselves, thanks to FASAB 56. That also potentially makes all government institutions unaccountable due to the powers given to the DOD to redact and classify any black budget issues and act on their behalf. 

“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time." ~ Article I, Section 9, Clause 7, U.S. Constitution

Read the backstory to the missing money HERE

You will notice that credit ratings agencies have said nothing nor have they threatened a downgrade based on poor practices. They would have acted in a heartbeat had this been South Africa or Argentina. Moodies or S&P has said nothing, just like last time they were involved with the Banksters/Govt hybrid cabal, the 2008 credit crises where they rated the Junk stocks as "AAA" 
This is due partly to intimidation and partly because they are banker gaurd dogs on a leash, whose real purpose is holding rogue emerging market governments financial hostages through threat of downgrade. Co-operate with economic hitmen utilities industries and the IMF loans go straight to those American and EU companies and we make your president look good, ...for now.

Cast your mind back to 9-11 and the Patriot Act (and Rumsvelds missing trillions) Even since well before that false flag event the legal recourse to stop this has been purposefully and gradually eroded.  Other casualites are the right to privacy, the right to a trial, the right to a jury of peers (you can be executed by drone by having a "kill list" signed with no need to explain the charges, including to relatives), the right to free speech and the  right to liberty.  All that seems to remain is the right to bear arms and the right to be offended by gender-specific pronouns...  

It is becoming very clear that the "terror" behind 911 was engineered for the purposes of the globalization of war for the new globalist economy, which is already here to my horror. 

Understand how vital terrorists are to this plan. Pretext is everything up until the day they announce "Well there is nothing the taxpayer/voter can do about it" I am sure Marshall Law has been a contingency plan both nationally in the US and globally in the West, South America and Europe. 

Cast your mind back. Think about why the globalists got so upset with Vladimir Putin when he smoked them out of Syria, with their rebels, the same Al Qaeda they are meant to be destroying. 
Think  about Trump, and his regular brand of nepotism and mob-styled crooked ways. At least he still wants some form of "Anerica First".  

Neither of those were planed. Nor was BrExit, and we have all gotten that sinking feeling of helplessness at some point as the unelected globalist cabal and their media lackeys push back against these things and exclude the acts of treason or crimes against humanity regularly committed by them. They push only their little Climate Change project over these  things. 

This embedded 30 min clip is a MUST WATCH. It gives an excellent outline and synopsis of what has been going on, both  Catherine and James are excellent. PLEASE WATCH IT. 

Text links courtesy The Corbett Report, below.

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