⏪ A stunning revision of the past which could be as unbelievable as any science fiction blockbuster (Part 1)


The requirement of a frame of reference.

"What if the defining catastrophe of the human part of world history has no observable equivalent occurrences today? Surely, we would entirely leave it out of our picture?"

According to Wikipedia, which represents the establishment view of most matters, the substance and starting point of our history is as follows:

"The history of the world, in common parlance, is the history of humanity (or human history), as determined from archaeology, anthropology, genetics, linguistics, and other disciplines; and, for periods since the invention of writing, from recorded history and from secondary sources and studies.
Humanity's written history was preceded by its prehistory, beginning with the Palaeolithic Era ("Early Stone Age"), followed by the Neolithic Era ("New Stone Age"). The Neolithic saw the Agricultural Revolution begin, between 8000 and 5000 BCE, in the Near East's Fertile Crescent. During this period, humans began the systematic husbandry of plants and animals.[2] As agriculture advanced, most humans transitioned from a nomadic to a settled lifestyle as farmers in permanent settlements. The relative security and increased productivity provided by farming allowed communities to expand into increasingly larger units, fostered by advances in transportation."
End Quote

I don't think the untouchable status the above synopsis once had is given as much credence as it once had.  At the very least it would be fair to say it has lost its reverence. Academics and professionals (and amateurs for that matter) have found various anomalies which don't allow for the established view to stand up to scrutiny.  We may not have a specific nomination of a single "for certain" replacement theory but this is a very exciting time in the landscape. I'd like to give what I consider the leading contenders are for the disruption of the narrative. The clues about our real history.  They all come together in surprisingly supportive ways, although those telling these stories may not really fully understand this themselves.

Download the delightful and fascinating book  "Maps Of The Ancient Sea Kings: HERE
(I chose a link where you can view first before downloading because default downloads of large docs annoy me too)

What new evidence is at odds with current thinking?

The reason I have dedicated two full posts just to give the briefest possible outline of slow collapse of the narrative is because there is not one "slam-dunk" reason for it.  Much of the challenge is emerging from fresh thinking emerging out of the information era and sharing of ideas occurring a bit more outside of prevailing structures these days. Always reserve judgement and keep an open mind.  Be mindful of the tendency that the status quo has become ossified and reacts defensively in those instances where points of contention are raised by scientists, academics and engineers from outside of the structures of anthropology, archeology, Egyptology and conventional ancient history.  Even more so when amateurs, authors or journalists contest the prevailing story, and the challenges are never addressed or become lost in a sea of ad hominem attacks usually playing the man and not the ball.  This happens even in cases involving the most well-evidenced or well-made cases.  That is why it is vital that you do not get drawn in by such an approach.  It stems from a political mindset of individual agendas of no interest to you and I.  If you are curious about the subject matter as I am you will surely agree that the quest for an objective perspective can only be nurtured by the decision to always and only focus on the caliber and academic fortitude of whichever case is being subjected to scrutiny. 

1) Clandestine Cover Ups

We all enjoy scandal and intrigue. Conspiracy (especially ancient conspiracy) is interesting.   While there are surely and surprisingly many of these controversies in play, we must not lose perspective.  The damage done by those seeking to protect past interests have done incalculable damage to our ability to fully understand our own past.  This involves a cast of characters to broad to mention but just to give a sense of the problem it's worth noting how diverse they are in range.  From the Jesuits whose agenda is impossible to fully assess, to colonial agendas, the Catholic Church at the height of its power and even the ideologically motivated seemingly sober minded monks that rewrote so many historical texts (often by first destroying the original source documents).  Don't think of it as artifact of past power structures, I assure you it happens even today and is no less prevalent.  Players like ARCE and the Smithsonian immediately spring to mind with their endless mischief while they enjoy unquestioned admiration from institutions of the prevailing establishment.  That being said, these cover-ups still represent the minority of "things that don't add up" in ancient history, since so many things don't add up. Just ask any regular tour guide in Egypt and you will hear about how boring old history is surrounded by more drama, lying and politics than the US Department of State.

I think a good place to start would first be a quick mention of the corruption inherent in the protection of the standard narrative. There are a variety of motives and so many examples that in order to avoid that theme hijacking this post I have decided to make it the subject of its own upcoming post. Scandal is always interesting.  To give a few clues as to the scale of the known deceit and regular cover up going on, where Egyptology (very relevant here) is a serial worst offender. This tip off sent into a known YouTube channel is a great example out of many known to plague the field. I will focus on academic examples in my upcoming post, I've chosen an example that demonstrates that open-source contributions can be made by anyone willing to travel that is willing to wander from the beaten path. To save time (if you are in a hurry) skip the intro of this particular example and track to 5.20 .

The above example is an easy to post example of what I mean, but in reality these examples are everywhere. To see what I mean listen to the background discussion in most of the clips I include in this post, the reason I always add multimedia is that it can give an expanded sense of the atmosphere. There are often grumbles of secret digs, sealed off corridor's or missing archaeological artefact's and physical evidence that mysteriously goes missing, without the expected investigation following it.

2) Standard political or commercial cover-ups. 

Another form of cover up involves less mysterious motives and usually involves the prosaic fact that archeological digs take up lots of time and involve the zoning of land. That is to say that the prospect of land going to commercial or industrial interests for development starts to appear being out of the question. Either that or in some similar way interferes with some or other special interest group or government.  The below example involving the cover up of the great Labyrinth of Egypt.  This famous site is of no less historical status and reputation than the Pyramids on the Giza Plateau themselves and just like the Great Pyramid was part of the super prestigious list of wonders of the ancient world.  How could anyone believe that such a find was discovered and then covered up by Egypt's own government?  Believe it!  In fact, that site never stood a chance, and the reason is just as clear and obvious as it is frustrating.

Ben van Kerkwyk explains how the construction of the Aswan Dam, a modern-day mega-engineering project in Egypt, caused a rise in the water table of several meters, making the prospect of a dig costing billions loom large for the authorities, a gamble they were not prepared to take and a decision they were not prepared to admit they made. 

3) Denial, consensus cover-ups, protecting monopolies on public funding, public understanding of science, careers, tenure & nepotism

There is no single citation that does this cover up justice because 90% of all cover ups likely fall into this category.  Most of the rest of the post as well as the follow up post, part 2, falls into this category.  Although, between you and I, deep down inside I harbor suspicion that a fair bit more actually falls into category 1 above. However, since I cannot prove such a thing, I cannot state it categorically.


The ancient civilizations have detailed records going back thousands of years before we assert their civilization began. Mainstream timelines allow for almost no curiosity in such things, simply dismissing it all as myth before a cetain date fitting in with their hunter-gatherer to agriculture indisputable enshrined decree. This is a reverse engineering of evidence to prejudice just as these people apparently expended 90% of their total economic output on ritual, ceremony, tombs and are credited with such a fetish for one day in life, the day of death, that somehow the entirety of all megalithic engineering from the dawn of time reflects this as a single point of focus for their culture. No recent economic models' evidence such a society being sustainable, let alone having the economic reserves, skills and culture to fight wars, fees their people and get on with life.


The Egyptians own kings list goes back 39000 years to the time when gods & semi-divine rulers walked the earth, the Zep Tepi, as well as detailing the "lost  time" where no records exist.


The Sumerian kings list detailed below in an embedded 40 sec clip, goes back an astounding 240 000 thousand years.

The Sumerian Kings list 

Gobekli Tepe was one of the first dominoes to fall. It would push back organized civilization to at least 12000 years ago.  By civilization I include those featuring collaboration of multiple "tribes", unavoidably calling into question the "Hunter Gatherer" hypothesis).  This establishes an incredibly important date in the framework of this revisionist mindset, and an unbelievable 7000 years older than Stonehenge or the mysterious pre-druid cultures. It was supposedly found deliberately buried, almost perfectly preserved & painstakingly covered up. This seemed done in the most bizarre way. For what purpose?
 Luckily whatever caused its burial preserved the site beautifully. 
The scale of the complex defies belief,  it is more of a settlement town than a site. Hunter gatherers simply do not generate the surplus and specialist skills that Agricultural societies do, they could never develop and cultivate the advanced skills in stonemasonry, architecture   engineering and logistics required to produce the end result. Nor could they house, clothe and feed the vast workforce of skilled labour needed to construct such a project.

Unfortunately, and almost unbelievably, in order to protect their little narrative, the definition of "Hunter Gatherer" was changed by mainstream archeology.  Presumably this was an act of desperation. Being unable to challenge the dating of the site, they simply re-explained the find not as work of a stationary or agricultural society that were capable of building, but instead as the work of hunter-gatherers who decided for some reason to abandon the survivalist character of following their prey and to instead just anchor down and wing it. 
By such reasoning fortune must have really smiled on the wondering tribe of nomads.
Almost supernatural good fortune somehow allowed (on their first crack without any tech or skills) to sculpt hard heavy rock in complex emboss and relief styles. Furthermore, they had to transport it, erect it, arrange it in accordance to advanced astrological parameters at scale in square kilometers far greater (by orders of magnitude) than they could possibly need, before burying the massive site and presumably wandering off in search of the next good berry worth picking and forgetting all about it. 

It would be the equivalent of a family group of Kalahari Khoi San Bushmen settling down by a stream one morning, building Wembley Stadium somehow using material just laying around, then burying it until it resembled a potbellied Hill (which is the translation of Gobekli Tepe) and then pushing off one day after following a deer a bit too far up a creek.

Clearly this is not just unscientific, once you think it through you can immediately get a sense of what a batshit crazy way it is to justify an anomalous find.

But what you may NOT know is that Gobekli Tele was just one of many such sites, some of which appear to be even OLDER, such as Kortic Tepe and Karahan Tepe.

And if you think that's something, note the jarring rethink regarding the North American Clovis Culture of 13600 years ago (very important side note, it vanished suddenly at a similar time 12800 years ago). It would appear that it was not the first North American culture after all, now that a little-known culture has been discovered going back 130 000 odd years. This is not a small matter, it's a sign that our perceived understanding of our past is woefully incomplete. The talk of a cosmic cataclysmic event is introduced into the equation.

""Friend" of Archaeology, Graham Hancock, has a fairly large following which makes the consensus establishment uneasy.  What he has achieved (more than pursued people he is right about any specific thing) has been to show that the representation of ancient history as settled is not scientifically rigorous. The evidence as fact does not stand up to careful scrutiny as a unique interpretation.  Often, it folds under basic scrutiny.

Just as unbelievable and still in the America's, a stunning find. A sprawling new civilization has been discovered with LIDAR air to ground laser technology in the Amazon. Nearly EVERYWHERE we survey is turning up new Pyramids, moats and castaways.  Cities are within 1 hours walk from each other. Already the nonsense and lies begin with the "Clovis first" anti-science brigade rushing in all their propaganda publications to announce a date of 1400, just a couple hundred years before the Spanish ended the other South American civilizations that were not buried so deep that those travelling over the substantial ruins of structures such as Pyramids lying underfoot had no idea they were there.

We are more realistically looking at a society larger than the Inca, Aztec and Olmec Combined and existing thousands of years ago, commencing thousands of years before that to get to such an advanced stage.

And who could forget Randal Carlson's independent work, which was widely received thanks to getting a mainstream boost due to Joe Rogan insisting he return to his popular show, as well as his collaborations with mavericks in the fields of geology, archaeology and history, still converging around that important timeframe at the end of the last "Ice age". Most of the talk is now settling on a cataclysm of some sort with a comet impact being talked up as a lead contender. I don't share that view, but I understand why such a dramatic scenario is called for.

This sets the scene nicely but let's go back to when Robert Schoch became the first Geologist to date the Sphinx to the (now more accepted as possible) wet period thousands of years earlier than the first dynastic period in Egypt (the Old Kingdom). Schoch is postulating that (by his understanding of the evidence) a solar flare, rather than a comet impact was what caused the cataclysmic event that all this independent research seems to be converging around. The commonly agreed evidence, such as global flooding of unbelievable extent, appears able to be able to be theoretically explained though by several possibilities. I rule none of them out.

Problems With The Timeline: A Case Study of Egypt

I really recommend watching this clip and getting a sense of the proposed timeline and the associated issues for yourself. We so often hear that challenges to the narrative have been debunked, but this is simply not a true statement that can be released by anyone in good conscience. If you are not quite precisely sure about what the official narrative is regarding the timeline, you really need to be. Alarm bells will go off in anyone's head from the starting assumption where we disregard the fact that the Egyptians themselves gave a thirty-thousand-year history of their kings and arbitrarily we decide that at a certain point and older it must be mythology. It looks at dating and calls into question why the technology and engineering instantly peaked fresh out of the supposed sticks and stones of Stone Age, and slowly declined as their civilization grew for thousands of years somehow. By contrast Western Civilization only dipped after the collapse of the Roman Empire but otherwise always technologically progressed, just like other civilizations before it.  This is the case going from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution to modern engineering and the Space Age.  Have you ever really thought about it? Here is a crash course below.  Need I actually say anything more? 

Assorted Anomalies from Ancient Egypt. 

Here I have made some basic collages from a variety of the numerous little things that don't add up, but I won't be able to cover each in detail just yet, although I plan to do so for these ones as well as many more. We find what seem to be unmistakable machine overcuts, possible functional parts design, clear evidence of machining in masonry, and the crude dating methods attributing these to which Egyptian Dynasty.  For example, "Rameses was here' or "Mine" graffiti tag defacing the finest monuments and going a long way to persuading us that he was the greatest ruler.

Above: In 1937, Emery discovered a disc-shaped object while excavating the burial chamber of the Tomb of Prince Sabu, son of Adjuib Pharaoh, governor of the I Dynasty (3,000 B.C.). It is referred to as the Schist Disc and known for having a form that reminds some more of function than decoration, a vase as its said to be.

Below: Everywhere you look in Egypt, if it is a site cited as a quarry or ruin or Assembly point in ancient stone megalithic construction, you find over cuts, errors and restarts, abandoned pieces showing structural cracks likely associated with machining of some sort and geometric scarring of the variety not made with a copper chisel when banged by a rock...

Mass production? Perfect symmetry, evidence of a lathe, polished surfaces and interpretation of 3 or 4 versions of one basic set of schematics perfectly SYMMETRICALLY reproduced in 3 dimensions. Symmetry and perfect reproducibility in three dimensions is the undisputable hallmark of precision machining, turning and use of a lathe with a sophisticated guiding tool mechanism.

If you think the people producing refined works of masonry to such precision, form and finish also scribbled on and chipped on that chicken-scrawl, then it could be that there is is something badly wrong with you.

India, the Barabar caves.


"The Barabar Hill Caves (Hindi बराबर, Barābar) are the oldest surviving rock-cut caves in India, dating from the Maurya Empire (322–185 BCE), some with Ashokan inscriptions, located in the Makhdumpur region of Jehanabad districtBiharIndia, 24 km (15 mi) north of Gaya.[1]

These caves are situated in the twin hills of Barabar (four caves) and Nagarjuni (three caves); caves of the 1.6 km (0.99 mi)-distant Nagarjuni Hill are sometimes singled out as the Nagarjuni Caves. These rock-cut chambers bear dedicatory inscriptions in the name of "King Piyadasi" for the Barabar group, and "Devanampiya Dasaratha" for the8 Nagarjuni group, thought to date back to the 3rd century BCE during the Maurya period, and to correspond respectively to Ashoka (reigned 273–232 BCE)"and

This Is clearly wrong, these masterfully carved caves in hard rock are in another league of engineering to the primitive inscription that dates them 

How is it that hundreds of truely gigantic boxes made of the hardest granite, weighing hundred's of tons, perfectly finished, were moved dozens of meters down shafts at the Serappeam of Saqqara? These shafts have much less than half a meter clearance overall, in other words a few CM on each side. That is simply impossible for such crushing weight by any means other than technological aid. Any manual winch/pulley would cause breakage. Nobody has an explanation as to how they ended up there which makes sense..

This lovely young lady and her interesting yet quirky history channell asks some very interesting questions of many of the underpinnings of the establishment narrative. Each line of questioning is entirely accesible to the layperson. In this clip, one of many, she raises the case of the eggs which predate the great pyriamid by some 3000 years which have a representation of what can only be the Giza pyrimid complex.  This artifact came from pre dynastic culture and no nearby mountain ranges account for the representation. Its worth noting.  Once enough of these out of place anomalies make themselves known it becomes very uncomfortable for Zahi Hawass and his merry band of Egyptologists and their benefactors at the Smithsonian. 

The ruins of the structure at Bastet over a kilometre long and contain stonework of several different levels of capabilities. The later work was crude but the earlier work is far superior to the Greek and Roman work that would follow it.

(below) The original GIZA construction site is in all  over 50 000 years old!


To fully appreciate the richness of the mysteries of the pyramids watch one of YouTube's most watched documentaries, Revelations of the Pyramids.

Beyond Egypt
The more recent timeline
Possible problems with the AD timeline are not the principle focus of this post, but its important because the further back you go the murkier it gets. There are some enormousred-flags issues with the last 1 to 2 thousand years. Those are discussed in sobering detail in this account I've chosen but there are literally thousands more, here is an example some sober discission from history specialists.
This is not a new issue, its been raised often, starting here.
Even Isaac Newton was an accomplished chronologist and wrote extensively on problems with the timeline.
Perhaps most notably was Immanuel Velikovskys "Worlds in Collision" which caused an absolute sensation of controversy in the entire scientific world between the fifties and seventies. It is consistently rated among the highest of any book listing wherever it is sold.
The "New Chronology" gets more attention from the mainstream for its conspiracy aspects than its academically rigorous content, it is not yet given the credit it deserves.
Here below is a presentation from Toronto by Gunnar Heinsohn but going further by introduction of the theme of multiple cataclysms.

Serious problems with the dark age of Greece below, a must watch.. 

The bizarre case of the CIA having classified details of a catastrophism account involving such notables as Einstein, Velikovsky, Senior military brass and academics. They were compelled to release 20% of the documents in essay form with the Freedom Of Information Act. 

The Carrington Event of 1859
This is the only documented evidence of a severe solar flare, but tiny compared to a major flare as proposed may have hit earth. 

..but let's go back to the end of the Ice Age.

Start with this clip:

The Younger Dryass cataclysm is the suspected culprit for wiping out evidence of a previous higher culture that may even have been global in reach to some extent..

(Due to slow loading times or hanging with long posts it makes more sense to break them up)

Continue Reading part 2 here


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