⏪ A stunning revision of the past which could be as unbelievable as any science fiction blockbuster (Part 2)


This post wont make much sense without reading part 1 which you can do HERE.



The step pyramid at Saqqara is thought of as an old and primitive pyramid, which it may well be but it has been the source of some of ancient Egypt's most puzzling anomalies. For a start is it part of an unimaginably vast network of tunnels linking the Serrapeam but many say they go all the way to Giza.

It is often thought of as an all or nothing deal, that whoever build the pyramid built the tunnels.  Its seldom pointed out that this pyramid may have been built over the tunnels.  It may explain why only such a limited part of the tunnel system were used by the Egyptians as a necropolis, it appears likely the peasant class.  No mummy's were found in the pyramid just as no mummies were found in any other pyramid.

Even More remarkable were the thousands of hard igneous rock jars found beneath the pyramid.  These were not the pottery known to have been made by the Egyptians.  We are taking feats of engineering requiring diamond cutting, tooling and the use of a lathe.  These are marked at the Cairo museum as some of the very oldest relics even though it is self evident cutting this granite and quartzite volcanic rock in such a precision manner, inside and outside the jars, often to a few millimetres thick, was way beyond any civilization until the last 300 years or so.

 They were found with pottery so its assumed they were made together, but why would the earliest Egyptians be able to accomplish this and not the later dynasties?  They are scratched on with terrible hieroglyphics, clearly not the same level of craft as the jars, in a similar way to the supposed statues of Rameses I covered in part 1. They were catalogued together and are displayed together.  Nobody in Egyptology circles apparently has any qualms about this.

Above: The cataloguing and display of jars together with primitive pottery

A sample of the mismatch in the technology is evident despite the thousands of years that has elapsed, and likely thousands more before the Egyptians used the jars in royal circumstances out of clear reverence for the remarkable craftsmanship.

The same sloppy assessment cannot be accused of renowned pioneering Egyptologist, Sir Flinders Petrie, one of the most methodical and professional early trailblazers. He knew how to objectively scrutinise what he found and appeared to some degree capable of not bending to a narrative.

It's clear that modern Egyptology, archaeology and geology alone is simply not in possessions of the skills needed to understand what it is they are in fact looking at half the time. Engineers should be brought in, at least on a consultancy basis (at minimum), and a thorough examination needs to be started on the more anomalous findings, of which there are many.  Engineer Christopher Dunn concurs, he wrote a book on what he found and is one of the few with the time or resources to do so, but had to do it on his own initiative. As you might expect, the Egyptology establishment does not want engineers poking their nose around in their sandbox.

And finally to close off on the step pyramid of Saqqara, here is a great exploration of the stone jars, the tunnels and many other unsolved mysteries from the ever brilliant Ben of Uncharted X.

A thorough look at other anomalies of Ancient Egypt can be found  below:

 South America 

Clearly there are 3 levels of technology visible in what's put forward as "Inca megalithic stonemasonry". The most advanced being the Haman Pacha polygonal megaliths of vast size and weight single cut stone blocks, followed by the Cyclopian megalithic repairs on top, followed by the less advanced small block stonework on the top. While mainstream academics attribute all to the Inca, the descendants of the Inca do not. 

Almost all engineers, stone masons & even many architects who are able to inspect the sites first-hand categorically rule out any possibility of the logistics and technology being within the capabilities of any civilization existing prior to the last 100 years, yet the MOST advanced appears to be the oldest. What conclusions can be drawn from this?

Also it is clear that (apart from cataclysmic damage) later generations of lower technological capabilities have been reusing and rehabilitating the oldest stone megaliths that were not lost, destroyed or buried. This ranges from the Pre- Incans to the Spanish. The original producers of the finest work appear to have produced it a very long time ago indeed.

A case study in re-use. 

The Lost, Buried or Sunken Past
A picture is starting to emerge from all across the world and the implications are monumental.  We are coming to a point where civilization seems to have gone through at least one (but possibly more) reset before the time we believed was its starting point.  Which brings us to the remarkable and little known ancient underground cities and tunnels. There are over 200 of them and as far as I am concerned  they are basically proof that entire populations took to living underground, so afraid were they of the heavens during that lost early time.  Hundreds (literally) of them exist globally although only the largest of them such as DERINKUYU can hold populations as high as 20 000 (I came across estimates as high as 60 000 for short periods estimated for some Turkish underground cities). These estimates are including livestock and ventilation. These cities can be 11 stories or more deep and extend in some cases for kilometres.

The young chap in this slightly enthusiastically narrated clip is correct to make such noise about them. The implications are profound. He also also brings in global sea level rise, and a global black earth layer, similar to the KT boundary, including nano diamonds, iridium and many other clues which he has put together well on circumstantial evidence, but came to the same, limited conclusion that comet impacts alone could have caused the cataclysm ending the last ice age and with it all previous noteworthy scale human civilization leaving only the most robust evidence

There are similar vast underground networks in China and in fact worldwide. In fact there is a spectacle of cities underground, underwater and carved into mountainsides which is so wondrous in some instances it is a testament to a world which no longer exists due to some unknown drastic change.

A past lost underground, underwater or in rock

Above: Some examples are clearly much, much older than others, yet they are usually dated to within a thousand years of each other. 

Evidence that the ice age did not cover our current poles, or did not seem to follow the timeline evenly.

Evidence Left by humans/Petroglyphs or Art

Lets take another look at the evidence in more detail, starting with our human evidence and lets process Carlson's data from another perspective. This is a perspective that will blow your mind, and for this reason it is often rejected outright. In my opinion its at the very least worth contemplating because it appears quite possible that it could even (or something much like it) be the real source of the greatest story ever told (ours). Certainly it warrants inclusion as one possibility in the fast emerging revision of the story of our origin as a species that formed civilizations. 

Above, United States
Below: Qassim, Saudi Arabia


The representation you see in thousands of global cave paintings and emblematic symbols is very likely not the sun in its current state. In fact I would not rule out that it is not THE sun at all! For starters (and there is a degree of interpretation here that requires a certain familiarity with many specimens) nobody in the later periods really painted or represented the sun like that, they represented it a bit more like the images below. 

Yet at some prehistoric neolithic stage everyone painted the sun like that and the genesis of an archetypal lost myth which all the successive ancient myths lasting thousands of years were  based on, was born.
It is important to bear in mind that the evidence now shows that this was at a time of great cataclysm that quite possibly changed us forever. When accepting a revolutionary new paradigm is it unhealthy to open ones mind up even more?

Remarkably for the first time we have the science now to begin to understand it, plasma cosmology.  If there was indeed a great planetary disruption in the solar system, the massive differences in charge would have reigned havoc in interplanetary discharges resembling lightning and orbital disruption lasting a long time causing repeat incidents that entirely solves and includes all the theories above, and those discharges, the proverbial thunderbolts of the gods (which always look like plasma discharge and never lightning in the older representations).

Above: A rare lighting strike on a car off its wheels gives an idea of what cataclysm scale plasma discharge phenomena might look like as with the Richat Structure in the Saharan Desert.

We never see such occurrences today, and any writings on such phenomena from the past would surely have been misinterpreted over the possibly vastly longer than suspected timescales in between.

Here below we have the beginnings of the understandings of the sorts of things that can happen,  but I'm not convinced a solar flare is exactly where we should end up. We are getting warmer, so to speak. At least our options are increasing.

So what really happened?

This is not a question that can simply be answered without straining credulity. The single event explanation, if that is where you are leaning, does come out looking more consistent with a solar flare or micro-nova, followed by fallout, than simply a comet impact.

Let's explore the scenario a bit more. Why not throw in some controversy?
Im not sure what this means exactly but its worth a mention, or it might be, so I wont leave it out. How many of you know there was actually a CIA Psy Op called "earth crust displacement" full of non-scientific holes, designed to be exposed and take the entire catastrophist school of thought with it? Find out who Charles Hapsgood was and why a government organisation would possibly dabble in such things. Find out about the massive underground bunkers that rival the underground cities found in Turkey.

Here is the documentary above on YouTube direct which takes an unusual angle on catastrophist theory and produces evidence of intelligence agency involvement, proven, which strikes me as odd.

Whether you feel this accounts for all the anomalies of hot and cold, impacts, floods, cataclysmic events, entire generations taking refuge in underground cities and a period of our global obsession with construction of giant stone structures, that is your call. In terms of solving the mystery, we are surely getting even warmer, so to speak.

One thing is for sure, "caveman" may not have been in the caves for the reasons we think...

By now it should be clear that the gradualist thinking of early 20th century science is lacking. Even the most prosaic establishment science reflects this perception shift. Our view of our own history in terms of both civilization and our anthropology is facing a similar shake right now, and until more evidence is in all cards are on the table.   If you are serious about opening your mind to all possibilities and leaving the realms of scientism and dogma, but dont foresee yourself spending hours studying it, you may consider devoting the time required to watch the below clip start to finish and chalk it up to entertainment, but that is incidental.You will need to watch the beginning with open mindedness to grasp the final hypothesis, but in any case  the clip gets more and more interesting as it progresses.

And in case you still have questions, which you almost certainly will have on the science of the matter, I have taken a lot of time putting together this tutorial which addresses the science in great detail. I warn you that its challenging, but not in the way you probably think.

To close I'm including a talk which gives an account of evidence of human presence in the geological record going back many hundreds of thousands and in some cases, quite convincingly, millions of years. These are all cases taken from  peer reviewed papers published in many cases in reputable scientific journals. Each was shrouded in controversy. Now I happen to regard the conventional geological record as misunderstood, but that's another story. Whichever way you slice it there is ample evidence that we have gotten things wrong. The barrier to reevaluation of our interpretation is not evidence, its institution and establishment. That is unfortunate. This is worth a watch.

What are the takeaway's in summary of both posts?.

Just to frame the scope of what I'm proposing against the content I've posted I can only give my opinion.  I don't have an answer, that is something you need to decide for yourself, if you believe there even is just cause to reevaluate the current narrative. The the aim of presenting it all together is because it makes clear the links to what many regard as unrelated phenomena. That being said my opinion is as follows:

  • A series if cataclysmic events, possibly all related, has pushed back the true arc of civilization to possibly fifty or one hundred thousand years.  Possibly even more.
  • The only evidence surviving this long not destroyed or underwater, is stone and rock.
  • Much of the inexplicable astronomical focus of ancient relics wasn't just to track seasons, but out of obsession with the sky.
  • The gods and myth's of the reset society's was inspired by these events. The enduring structures built was to provide shelter or  some other related associated use relating to these events.
  • At one point there may have been a civilization with a global trade network and some or other form of relatively advanced technology.
  • Caveman may not have been in the caves for the reasons we assume.

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