South Africa: Land and Taxes Part 2: Climate Change

Continued from

Because I'm so frustrated with the narrative of media coverage in SA, and the entire framing of issues in the minds of South Africans, I'm going to do a whole series of posts on Banks, Mines, The JSE, the bogus reasoning of all our political parties etc. I'll be attempting to completely reframe the way we think about things here in SA.

Blue text is an active link.

The Issue of Climate Change has been shown (even on this blog alone ) to be a globalist construct and product of the dynastic legacy families of capital finance as well as think tanks from globalist and tax-exempt foundations.  The objective is to seize control over sovereign energy policies and to drive up the price of energy commodities used in privatised or parastatal utility companies such as the Eskom price hikes experienced through hikes in the coal price (energy commodities other than the oil price that is, which is linked to the petrodollar faction of the US hegemonic globalist faction blooded through the CFR which is behind the oil wars, regime change, the US Department of State and the Pentagon). The globalist agenda via the UN is to use sustainability to implement the planned austerity (already rolled out in the globalist vipers den of the EU) and particularly the austerity of carbon swaps, carbon taxes and carbon credits in the post-carbon economy which is being marshalled so diligently at the various globalist climate conferences, the Bilderberg meetings and the PR handled by the ever faithful MSM. 

The science is flimsy at best and the data is regularly corrupted to fit the awful predictions made by the woeful models developed and used as evidence (not that models can EVER be called evidence).  Simply put the science does not stand to scrutiny and this has been dealt with many times before in previous posts.  If you do not accept this premise the impact of this particular post will be lost on you but I welcome any constructive engagement through the contact section of this blog or as a private message on Facebook or Twitter. Please focus on the specific point of disagreement to save me the time of repeatedly covering the same issues if I have not covered that issue in enough detail previously to persuade you. I only use a tiny fraction of the collection of reputable data sources, professional sources and media or organisational institutions as referenced links but have dozens more too detailed to use as quick verifications for citations on my posts.  If you make a compelling case I assure you I will reply and cite you in amendments or corrections with thanks if you can clearly demonstrate an error or point out a reasoning flaw.

Usually, the globalist cabal (for lack of a better word to describe this sort of colluding collective) has gotten to our government via the finance ministers post, usually via treasury or the SARB.  The climate change agenda works differently and uses the IPCC as well as the UN as its supra-national enforcer of choice instead of the IMF or World Bank and ICC.  It also has taken the trouble of establishing working committees and departments established in every government.  In South Africa this is notably manifest as The Centre For Environmental Rights which will enforce laws and permit criteria which the Chamber of Commerce and Department of Trade and Industry will duly fall in line with. This will give them extra clout because since CODESA the capital finance "powers that be" only control the economy of SA but the Government are the lowly administrators but can still be a barrier to passing legislation, even when insiders like Rhamaphosa are Pravin Ghordan are in office. This way all legislated enforcing can be done using government agencies that have traditional taxpayer oversight, from the bureaucratic sector to even the police force and the courts, all are now going to have to police this these practices or they will be in the unenviable position of dereliction of duty if they refuse to enforce.  We missed the boat by stopping this at the source, prior to legislation being passed. 

Rhamaphosa's latest cabinet features too many politicians from the post Zuma cabinet that are loyal to Rhamaphosa and possibly therefore his masters from the JSE or offshore to be sure about who will put the country first VS who will do us damage by following rich heritage of globalist traitors such as Tito Mbowemi, Trevor Manual and Pravin Ghordan but even if they don't the damage is already done.

This is going to cost us big time. Aside from price hikes in sectors such as energy, we are facing at minimum another 1.6 Trillion USD or 109 Trillion ZAR by conservative estimates over the next thirty years. .  This involves a comprehensive restructuring of our already manipulated economy by 2050. Moreover, we are looking at a vast fortune when you consider that the entirety of our national budget for public spending MTEF 2/2020 from 2/2019 this year was only 5.9 Trillion.

The climate change agenda is currently the second biggest globalist goal right now, second only to regime change wars associated with the protection of the Petrodollar system but more important even than the censorship purge on social and dinosaur media as well as propaganda wars because is an internationalist roll out transcending the regional local challenges of one economic zone (or as we peasants say - one "nation" or "country" ;) )

I do consider some reforms to be very healthy, but those causing the main economic reforms are all centered around emissions.

  Primary Legislation

National Environmental Management Act
National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act
National Environmental Management: Waste Act
National Forests Act
National Water Act
Environment Conservation Act

Minimum emission standards were published in Government Notice No. 248 in 2010

Continued at

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