🔵 The Saturn Connection

Have you ever wondered why the planets were named after God's despite merely  being little pin-pricks of light that we could not even differentiate from stars? Why were the lives of ancient peoples governed by these astronomical observation phenomena that were apparently of utterly no consequence to their daily lives and rendered  imperceptible compared to the sun and moon? Or were they really as I have just described?

   Above: The diefication of planets. In almost all ancient       myth and religion the planets were not merely      representative of the gods, they were the gods!

What is the true source of the global archetype myth that was part of a little known culture whose mythology or perhaps even real experiences were arguably the genesis (or at least influencer) of all the better known and more familiar ancient mythology? Better answers surely lie in a synthesis between the latest science and the oldest myths rather that the prevailing insistence on making them mutually exclusive.

The one bit of emergent science that needs to be taken seriously to fully appreciate what I'm about to present to you is the electrodynamic centred understanding of cosmology rather than just working with the old "gravity only" paradigm. I say this particularly  because the electric sun is relevant, a model (where low energy fusion happens more as transmutation in the photosphere) and why I propose its superior to the thermonuclear fusion model (where high energy fusion happens in the core.)


Below: There was a time when all rock art represented a very different looking sun compared to how its been depicted in the last 1000 years (If it was even the sun at all)

Is there a possibility that our ancestors saw a different sun?

Here are some known problems with the notion of a solar system not being interfered with (in any fundamental way) for 4.5 billion years. It has an unusual profile which does not match any of the 1000s of exoplanet systems observed to date. Nearly all exoplanetary systems we discover are all vastly different, it seems we are unique in many ways. 

Here below is some good speculation surrounding this potential scenario which is much more interesting yet still actually  scientifically MORE plausible and makes sense of mythology as well as accounting for our unusual, non-binary solar system and its lack of a "Hot Jupiter" . 

Plasma formations and notions of a primordial sun (below)

That is not to say that plausibility is evidence per se, although this understanding I'm putting forward here for consideration has both circumstantial and specific hard evidence in spades when compared to the prevailing hypothesis, which basically doesn't have ANY.  I understand that last sentence is predicated on a bold claim. I understand the implications of such a claim. 

The current reconstruction (it must be remembered that it's just a reconstruction) is basically just an educated guess. That's fine obviously, what other options do we have? BUT, now consider that such a guess is getting old and is one which emerged from now falsified astronomical assumptions. 

How plausible is the conventional wisdom? 

I propose It should actually be described as unlikely or barely plausible. In all of its underpinnings, none are confirmed by observation since being first speculated. Even the latest telescopes just keep increasing the conflicts between theory and observation.  
All LAMBDA CDM principles (the cosmology model that sets the parameters for theoretical principles our solar systems origins are framed by) are falling apart over time going right back to the Big Bang. 

As a sidenote please consider the fact that our "Standard Model" has a monopoly on public funding. It relegates global mythology to child-like fantasy and treats the improbable uniformity in their global structures and themes as pure chance.

This post represents one possible stunning conclusion to two previous posts. Its notable conclusion is that all of the natural disasters associated with the post are related to a possible disassociation with our original brown dwarf star, the star Proto-Saturn, and assimilation into our orbit with the sun, or alternatively some relationship along those lines.

There can be no certainties but I'll make a case (or two) suggesting that such a scenario is a more complete circumstantial case than the unlikely accepted and established scenario. Four billion 500 million years of totally uninterrupted gradualism thinking is possible, but is it plausible? 

No. A plausible case over that time frame would involve thousands of cataclysm scale events that flavour each stellar system. Understanding what these events were entirely is a fool's errand, but understanding events, even relatively minor ones, in the last few hundred thousand years may be attainable despite the fact that they occurred before written history..

..or did they?

 Post on rethinking our history of civilization.  
Here is the post

And the other post is a tutorial of sorts which I put together to succinctly cover all the most basic aspects of the science required to consider this a better understanding of the history of our solar system and a means of setting  a context for explaining historical anomalies through s version of human history that better assimilates the problems arising from the improbable timeline of the established story.
Here is that post


Let's get to it.

There is credible evidence to suggest we were one of Saturn's moons. This has has been proposed in many guises from David Talbots Saturn myth, later refined in collaboration with the Thunderbolts Project. Many variations of this hypothesis are currently energing, each with interesting angles I suggest you give a chance.

To dismiss this out of hand in light of all the evidence presented here (and in the two given links to previous posts) is in my view very unscientific. Nobody can claim to have the settled story of our solar system, and I would be very skeptical of anyone who makes such a claim.

Let me go over some aspects of this hypothesis 

The Polar Configuration. 

A) Gravitational capture. When a captured system enters a system of stronger gravitational or electromagnetic force. 

Comet Schumacher-Levy 9 stretched to a  formation as the described "polar configuration"  looked as it approached Jupiter. Saturns satelites would have behaved similarly as it approached the sun. 

B) Electrodynamics. Herbig Harow objects. In the electric sun model which is gaining favour and supported by all observation to date (No observation as yet has ever been made supporting the accretion disc model which also does not work on computer model) the star Proto-Saturn would form immediately following the sun, and on capture not exceed escape velocity. Saturn would flicker out being dominated by the suns electrical environment and only a salty water residue, probably a shower of water raining down on its satelites such as earth, explaining its oceans and identical chemical composition which is such a mystery right now. When forming ice it would become a ring system on the equator, which is exactly what Saturn has. 

C) Other possibilities like this exist such as the Expanding Earth Hypothesis. The addition of so much water as well as changes to the earths ionized plasma charge environment of a brown dwarf changing to the more exposed emptier space Goldilocks zone of the sun may have effects on our planets size and gravity. This is initially quite "out there" sounding but the fact that the continents fit perfectly when the earth is 60% size is compelling, and its often pointed out, correctly, that a billion years of Continental Drift by the the current plate tectonic model would ensure that there is no recognizable relationship between continents. They would never fit together if this was the case or even bear a vague relationship, they would be entirely randomly shaped. 

These, and many more seldom heard hypotheses, are all possibilities which only seem contraversial because we are trained to see an unlikely model, where for 4.8 billion years no real disturbances other than the formation of our moon, and the delivery of our water, and the craters of every moon in the solar system happen by ad hoc seperate events. The scenarios above actually could apart, or in combination explain all those events in a much more believable way. The orbital chaos could have lasted a thousand years or millions of years, easily accounting for extinctions and the anomalies of myth and legend, depending on when they happened. They also answer roundly ignored puzzles like the impossible size of dinosaurs and that is just the ones I have mentioned. 

If you think we fully understand gravity, think again:
( link for direct YouTube play is https://youtu.be/OTMELHUAzSM )

Gravity grey areas

Compelling new data: Tests indicate that the earth has identical water composition (with regards to deuterium profile) to Saturn's rings and moons.

Moreover, it is essential to bear in mind the fact that the water in Saturn's rings (which are 98% water ice) is identical to water on earth. Scientifically speaking the possibility of this being chance is unlikely. VERY  UNLIKE LP. Also its totally different to water found on Saturn's moon Phoebe, the only moon of Saturn NOT having earth water, meaning it is likely captured the other way around, by Saturn. That water is consistent with water that would form in the outer solar system.  This is not conjecture but established scientific fact.




Ice Core Samples. 
The Greeland ice core samples that are gaining popularity with scholars for use in the impact cataclysm hypothesis scenario may ultimately be evidence of something else entirely. They would certainly be a better fit.  During the Younger Dryass a wide range of phenomena were encountered. There is only one scenario that fits ALL the evidence in my opinion. The Saturn capture scenario or comet Venus scenario (or both) make a more convincing case for planetary chemical exchange than a single impact. Its not just because impossible amounts of Chlorine (Cl) in our oceans could never have come from earths rocks, the same can be said for Sodium (Na). It is also because of the Ammonia and other compounds that suddenly appear in clearly delineated periods and they are very unlikely to have suddenly come from soils but perhaps more likely gas giants or chemical reactions from ionized plasma reactions.  With orbital disruptions lasting anywhere from months to centuries.

Also, lab experiments replicating plasma discharge interations of the type that would be evident in a capture event or when bodies of different charge have close encounters, produce huge amounts of Cl, Na and Ca from hydrogen, Ammonia and methane, effectively addressing the mystery of the composition of earths ocea and effectively explaining all these anomolies and instead making them not  just expected but in fact they would be required.  

Above : New elements produced in the reactor chamber of the Stellar Atmosphere Function In Regulation Experiment (SAFIRE Project) see https://aureon.ca/experiment-results

Making sense of the Younger Dryas.  This clip gets close, Black still gives the comet theory (Comet alone) and the solar flare/ plasma theory much weight.  Its an excellent channel but misses one likely explanation that not only accounts for comets/ solar flares/ plasma discharges but does not require one event to account for them. Moving from one fading sun to a stable orbit around our new capture sun would account for the strange re-entry into another, colder, mini-ice age then suddenly snapping to a much warmer period.

What really happened?

Wallace Thornhill's synopsis.

An EU Talk on the Star "ProtoSaturn"

If we follow this line of reasoning, it follows logically that all the planets need to be looked at with fresh eyes and put through both scientific and mythological scrutiny to see where the breadcrumbs lead.

For a different approach, historically, or more accurately prehistorically (which we can study by looking at common factors in ancient mythology and scientifically parsing out common "archetypes") lets go back to a time when the sun and moon were minor players and Saturn ruled the world: 

If the Polar Configuration of a captured system were represented and the plasma discharges from proximity caused much of the cratering and havoc on the planets and moons, what would it look like from the point of view on the imagined captured earth going from a  satelite of Saturn to our sun? 


Many craters on planets and moons are made from discharge plasma already.

It's important to remember that our ionosphere alrepady carries Birkeland currents from pole to pole that create remarkable formations called the Aurora, or Northern Lights. That is just from regular conditions. Bear in mind that applied to planets whose orbits are in turmoil the electromagnetic interference will be thousands of times greater. We could scarcely imagine the effects although I included some artists impressions of the planetary alignments earlier on in this article.

And what of Venus and Mars?

This remarkable account of Randall Carlson's tells of an account of the deluge, fire and floods though one of the oldest myths. It does not actually sound to me like an isolated account of a simple Comet striking or having a near encounter. It certainly does fit well with planetary chaos in the solar system, Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and possibly the Comet stage or planet stage Venus with its electrical discharge causing the damage. Track  below embedded Cosmographia clip to (Starts) 11:30 and play to 17:30 (moves on to other topics)

Moving forward.

If the Saturn Theory turns out correct and earth is a former satellite of Saturn, which once was a brown dwarf, separated from its mother star by a capture event followed by a period of Orbital disruption, then it follows logically that all life may actually form on brown dwarf stars. A Brown Dwarf has a satellite which is enveloped by a plasma sheath which our radio waves cannot penetrate (which would incidentally render SETI a complete waste of time since radio waves would not penetrate this plasma sheath which would give a sort of eternal twilight to orbiting planets. Earth would then be anomalous only insofar as it is orbiting its second star in its lifetime.

Saturn theory also explains the anomalous geology that is impossible to explain adequately with conventional geology because it uses the electric geology events that only actualises results when the effects are magnified such as during periods of orbital chaos. See below.

Above: A fascinating intuitive take on geology in the given scenario

The recent Cassini probe proved stunning validation for plasma cosmology and the Electric Universe perspective on Saturn, as usual, getting all their predictions spot on as bulls-eyes.  Standard cosmology was left "surprised"; "mystified" and "baffled" by their failures in what they expected.

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