The truth is that the apparent cohesion and collaborating we see manifesting itself on the geopolitical stage is simply the net outcome of these powerful influences protecting their interests. Plotting and scheming together is not required but of course this happens at times and even in reality we occasional see the sort of intrigue and espionage we usually associate with a James Bond movie. In that same reality, however, for the most part these groups are layered, fragmented and at odds with each other but there is still one common bond that tends to prevail. The super elite, the billionaire class (not all of them and not the millionaire class) typically works to suppress the numerical advantage of the masses for their own financial gain.
But this is all changing. We have to start seeing silver linings not just dark clouds. The refugee crises in Europe is casting doubt on leadership despite the challenges it is producing. There has been a subtle shift towards the Palestinian cause despite the current hardships they are enduring. Innovative cryptocurrency like Bitcoin threatens central banker control. Gold is back on the radar to challenge the market front-loading of fiat currency via it's mischievous devices like QE. The concept of "trickle down economics" is dead. Suspicion is circling like vultures around the two-party perversion of justice known as the US election. Leaders like Ron Paul, Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders and host of more of their ilk seem to be gaining some kind of traction after the widening wealth divide has caused simmering global social discontent, perpetually unfulfilled promised and an insatiable lust for war.
The mighty petrodollar is crumbling as I point out in this piece:
Paul Craig Roberts points out when the decisive shift in the balance of power started to manifest:
Russia has unseated the bloated soggy petrodollar king from his throne of blood in the middle east as the US/Saudi/Turkish/Israeli backed effort to overthrow Assad appears to be on the brink of failure:
I don't know where things will go from here. The establishment is still the establishment and the special interests will still protect what they perceive to be theirs, but they will have to do in an environment where a slowly awakening public is starting to see the fat and grabbing fine-gloved paws for what they are, instruments of institutionalized thievery.
"If there was hope, it MUST lie in the proles, because only there in those swarming disregarded masses, 85 per cent of the population of Oceania, could the force to destroy the Party ever be generated. The Party could not be overthrown from within." George Orwell from Nineteen Eighty-Four
One thing is for sure, they may be down are down but not out: