How Internationalists Captured the US Department of State and US education curriculum

What you are about to discover should rock you to your foundations, if you excuse the pun.  Anyone who has even casually read this blog is probably somewhat on my page regarding the extent of social engineering, but if you are not familiar with the topic of specifically the tax-exempt foundations (the non-profits, better known as "think tanks") I assure you even the most cynical of observers will find it hard not to be shocked. Not just by the chicanery of these entities but also by the limited investigation government has actually done into  trying to establish the nature and extent of influence of powerful globalist bankers, deep state bureaucrats and the many faces of concentrated capital finance in the content and tone of the United States education system. This actually prevails now in many parts of the neoliberal world order and extends beyond curriculum to identity politics and issues such as climate change.

In 1952 a little known Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations was an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives between 1952 and 1954.[1] The committee was originally created by House Resolution 561 during the 82nd Congress. The committee investigated the use of funds by tax-exempt organizations (non-profit organizations)  The committee was known as the Reece Committee after its chairman,  B. Carroll Reece.

Here is the sanitized Wikipedia entry which I don't recommend 

United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations

The alarming conclusions of this shocking report were squashed.  Thank god for Edward Griffith, the highly regarded author of "The Creature from Jekyll Island" where he exposed the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank.  In this interview, we finally find out.  The interview is with Director Of Research Norman Dodd who headed the commission and gave it its name "The Dodd Report" shortly before he died. Its a lengthy interview, if you are pressed for time listen to the introduction for the first minute and from 28 minutes where he explains how the education curriculum for schools and universities and colleges were set up and the facts changed to suit the agenda of elite globalist dynasties, "Robber Barons" and corporates but in the benevolent appearing guise of the Rockefeller Foundation, Guggenheim Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation and others of thata ilk. It definitively covers issues such as the capture of the apparatus of state in a way that will impart understanding of how it is done. It was done with intelligence agencies, foreign policy (war and Petrodollar) and monetary policy. Health-care and vaccinations targetted too, perhaps 2019 orwor nextsnext year, called Agenda 21 in broadest terms parading as "sustainable development" and climate change.

Here is the full report, I am very thankful for, they have helped me find rare official documents before.

Here is a link for PDF format download:


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