Solid findings emerging from the SAFIRE PROJECT, including confirmation of the electric sun model.

In May this year I did a blog posting on the SAFIRE project, which I asserted at the time is the most important experiment in physics, possibly in all of science in the world right now, at a fraction of the cost of the Large Hadron Collider or LIGO.  I do not regret my words, the ability to do scaled REAL experiments in a lab, not just mathematics on a page, and base findings on observations rather that formulae, will surely advance all of physics which has been in the doldrums.  While physics lately has been coming up with Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Gravitational waves along with other gobbledegook, technology has been carrying mankind forward and cosmologists riding the coat-tails.

Here is the post:

Here is the special report that updates us on the important progress being made, all of which supports the Plasma Cosmology/Electrodynamics school of thought and in particular the electric sun model over the Thermonuclear fusion model.

This is an exciting project and the science is REAL! It may be that in 10 years we will not recognise cosmology and will surely look back in surprise at the scientism and sorcery parading as physics and cosmology.

The Thunderbolts Project synopsis of Safire.


This is the most interesting aspect of the entire project, the circumstances surrounding the transmutation of element may even go right up to the heavy elements... right up to the heavy elements, you can imagine  the consequences of that..  and the business ethics and funding aspect.
Have a listen, there is a bit of cloak and dagger and if you think it through the imagination goes wild.

And the response by the SAFIRE PROJECT is even more interesting and reveals their limitations as well as the involvement and monitoring of the US department of  "defence" (which of course is the worlds most hostile military) possibly due to the energy implications and cleanup of Uranium.

Despite the apparent benefits we are looking at for the tech, there are some provisional concerns, principally those connected to the Climate Change movement which is a black mark against anyone's name for scientific integrity, but this seems to be more generic "clean energy" or even efficient energy  The other is involvement is with government departments and if you consider the transmutation of elements, I don't think we can even rule out heavy elements eventually. The above clip includes an hour long conversation with project director Monty Childs and details what elements they have transmuted, which signal strengths are strong enough to be conclusive and what information cannot be disclosed due to investors clauses on the contract which is understandable.

Update: 9 March 2020, Safire has attracted alot of investor interest and has rebranded, you can find their new website here.

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