VAERS Update on adverse effects of the ¢0√¡d √a¢¢¡ne


Consider this a quick update on my more involved post after 2 of VAERS stats. Its concerning but necessary to bear in mind the estimation that only 6% of adverse reactions are actually reported.

In loosely related noteworthy news, a murder trial in India has been opened, involving Bill Gates

Thanks to Peter Stallinga of

The same thing we saw in Europe happens in the United States. In Europe the EudraVigilance adverse-side-effects monitoring hinted at about 500 thousand vaccination deaths in Europe. (With 500 million inhabitants that is one in 1000 or 0.1% of the population). In the US, the VAERS reported 19249 official vaccination deaths. With 6% reporting this implies 320 thousand deaths. (On a population of 333 million this is again 0.1% of the population culled by the vaccine). 

People with corona tunnel-vision will not see these deaths as we know from psychology (see videos of Mattias Desmet). But | want to communicate to the others: 

- The sacrifice of how many innocent human lives do you think is acceptable in the combat of the virus? 1, 10, 100, 1000 ... ? 

- Do you see that these people are in all age cohorts? CoFlu19 kills people of 83 years age on average (compared to 83 years of other causes; ergo CoFlu19 does not take away much life), while the vaccine kills on average much younger people. Some in the prime of their lives. 

'T is a sad world. Exactly what Dostoevsky wrote. A great sadness on Earth. History repeating. The way it goes, in Europe, in twelve years, how many deaths by human hand will we have ... ? ss 


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