What will save the citizens of the West, Revolution or RUSSIA?


The Western system is too sick to save from within.

Prospects for using captured domestic political systems for internal revolution look increasingly bleak and one could conclude they can no longer be counted on to rescue the West. By this reasoning, nor can its institutions. 

By contrast its looking increasingly likely that prospects of escaping internationalist corporate capture lies in recognising that the true allies of the western people are those traditionally portrayed as it's enemies in the East.  Such a scenario may motivate western citizens to push for defeat from outside of what it's corrupted systems can no longer achieve from within.

Western State's appear to have had the very apparatus of a functioning state geared towards profit focused private industry (basic access to public utilities and basic upkeep of the same, notably in this case the upkeep of forrest and roadside growth etc). In other words geared away from taxpayer oversight and government accountablity and  where it fails the standard fallback is to pull a divide & rule tactic designed for control and blame.

Premise: Western goverments are in effect clearly and unavoidably guilty of treason, the most serious sovereign crime and a crime not recognised as even existing in principle in a supranational one-world world power structure. 

It must never be taken for granted that there is no such thing as government money, there is only the people's money.  The trust of managing it is the most supreme required. In fact it cannot be left to trust, which is why there was (once upon a time) and oversight structure at every level designed to maximise transparency, accountability and keep government small and focussed on such affairs of the civil servant, employed by the taxpayer and accountable to him. There is a contract too implicit in national constitutions. The representative government contract between the government and the governed requires strict oversight over public spending to ensure nepotism does not creep in. Misuse of public funds is a serious crime and a defacto dereliction of duty with tacit admission of treasonous theft in areas where neglect will result in massive loss of life.

I think it's clear that in this case the Government is already regarded as captured. The capture is to varying degreed understood as to be by:

  • MIC contractors.
  • Their Deep State shadow government.
  • It's MSM syndicated media. 
  • Wall Street capital finance globalists (such as Blackrock who are the real purchasers of post annihilated Ukraine).
  • The clever shareholder arrangements hiding the big dynastic players in banking, big pharma, big oil, food, tech, agriculture, telecommunications and the umbrella tax-exempt offshore holding companies that the them all together in secret. 


These are all falling under the custodianship of the Permanent Security State military / Intelligence alliance of Washington.  American sovereign state capacity is exploited as is their driving force of global economic and military dominance, and it's funded by the US and international tax base instead of serving it's citizen's who fund it.

This means that when basic services are required the Government is usually caught with it's pants down and has already invested it in the Equities Markets, Futures derivative financial products (underwriting the collapse of global liquidity and responsible for plans of a "Great Reset"), the NASDAQ OR S&P 500 equities markets, etc. Beyond this they have simply peddled influence and sold access of their corruption to others in exchange for bribes and "pay to play" to the highest bidder. They have increasingly allocated funds or leverage through revolving door schemes to private industry. This guise is not in the form a paper trail or stock markets but instead takes the form of rebates or privatizing state owned assets or utilities ie as private dams or water sources, private prepaid "peak billing" power grids and "kickback" contractors of war that allows so much of domestic and military spending to end up back with those public policy legislators who, with each bill passed in Washington allow lobby groups to bid for the outcome as they remove all vestiges of taxpayer oversight, anti trust regulations or labour protection rights from the constitution, the legislative and criminal law and bylaws, property zoning, financial practice etc including civil liberties and what were considered inalienable human rights since (in some cases)  the Magna Carta. You cannot define the auction of legislative power over each bill or resolution, which makes a mockery of an election every 5 years, as anything other than state capture.

This was evident during the compulsory mandating of state medication during a lockdown of such massive intrusion on basic human rights it remains an as yet unresolved crime against humanity. This crime is still awaiting it's Geneva Convention so it can be decided who needs to hang by the neck until dead, and who must be forced to watch to make sure that fear and a sense of accountability is returned to a generation of increasingly untouchable elites who in turn increasingly see the taxpayer as a peasantry there for their exploitation. "Taxes are for the little people". 

To them we are a joke and simply an opportunity for theft of our money since they are the ones in power to compel collection of those taxes in the first place.  And, of course, if we we do not allow them to steal it we are jailed for tax evasion, yet we can no longer demand oversight for government spending as they burn the world with their wars creating death, destruction and poverty everywhere before sweeping in to steal the spoils.

In 2009 Obama doubled the national dept from $11 Trillion to $22 Trillion in bank bailouts, which should have nationalised the banks and made the public the biggest shareholders entitled to their share of the yearly spoils. Instead they are having their bank accounts frozen if involved in protest or shut down all together if they have undesirable politics. A move to ban cash will consolidate this control. The public will never get their money back or the profitshare these banks, now back to record profits, are enjoying. The national debt never came back down, it surges with all the money printing during the pandemic as rebates subsidise large multinationals, paying their staff salaries so the entrepreneur can never compete while paying the salaries of his rival, turning business owners into employees.  What few are owned are franchises. 

Best practices are globalizing, mergers and acquisitions and share buybacks, along with other forms of monopoly increasing the wealth divide and creating centralized concentrations of wealth and power bring influence potential to almost everywhere.

Almost everywhere.

While this decline happens in the West India and China have lifted billions of their  people out of povery.  Domestic rights have a way to go, but in the West after it supposedly embraced democracy it still took hundreds of years to abolish slavery, ensure voting rights for women etc. The countries rising in the East have impeccable levels of respect for other nations in international trade and diplomacy, as we ourselves as individuals should have for our neighbours if our goal is a sense of community in the suburbs where we live. Unlike the Anglo American Judeo Christian Empire, those rising nations do not leave a trail of smoked ruin in the form of 47 destroyed countries post WW2, and 1000 international military bases scattered around the globe. Those bases are there as a mob protection racket, to consolidate its economic hit man neocolonial empire and such nightmares as its black ops paramilitary units in the nebulous forms of Isis, Al Quada and neo-Nazi fascists.

Russia was on the precipice of doom in the 1990's as western vulture capitalist internationalists picked her apart while notorious drunk Boris Yeltsin failed to imagine a solution to the vampire that was invited over the threshold.  Putin turned that around, that was his real crime. He did it by thwarting the oligarchs it created, kicking out multinationals that were engaging in unsafe food practices and by other similar means.  He changed laws, banned globalist agitators like Soros from continuing their crimes and rebuilt the Russian military to the best in the world. Opposite to the portrayal in the west he purged corruption from his ranks. 

The proof is in the pudding.  Who is uplifting the lives of citizens and who is degrading the lives of their citizens?

Putin devised and carried out the economic and geopolitical strategy I have written at great length about in this blog. Despite oppresive sanctions the Russian stategy has emerged victorius over the corprate security state West. Under crippling sanctions Russia has emerged back in into the worlds top 5 economies, its resurgent military has rescued Syria, the Donbass and Crimea from the march of the globalist new colonial feudalism. This should be characterised as heroic! Unless You are the colonised, you will characterise it as Empire.  Pure projection!

Once more the proof is in the pudding, what say the people living in those places?

 Russia is currently aiding eliminating threats in Africa after it was decided that the tragedy of Libya at the hands of the West must never be repeated. Russia as has been the central geopolitical strategy centre in the emerging multipolar world, as China has been the economic driver. China knows she is next, and will provide unwavering support to Russia until required to take front and centre role herself. It makes a lot of sense for China to see Russia strong for a variety of reasons and her background aid could be an important factor in the Russian success story.

Yet again let's ask what proof is in the pudding? Russia under Putin has increased domestic household annual income from $800.00 to over $30 000.00 during the same period of decline I have described in the West. The two have been moving in opposite directions. Why would one cast aside such leadership to embrace the corrupt cronyism of Western neoliberal globalism? 

Do you see why this cannot be allowed to continue. Do you see what mutual respect is achieving in the emerging BRICS alliance in comparison to the increasing alienation and fracturing emerging from the NWO's ailing global governance structures based on leveraging power and Bullying?

In addition, Agenda2030 and the Great Reset require Russia and China to have been brought to heel. This means before the year 2030, since a controlled demolition of Western economies cannot go ahead while it's rivals remain emboldened, it would hand over fatal leverage of advantage to them and in effect would amount to surrender of the real cold war that's raging, the war between the sovereign power structure and representative governments of the free people's of earth VS the theatre of sovereign apparatus of state by the capital finance security state globalists seeking to centralize their shadow power structure as a one world government before revealing their hand. 

It follows logically that any power seeking world domination is declaring war on the only nations with enough sovereignty and power remaining to stop them. 

The people of the West need to recognise these powerful allies and use them to defeat the common enemy, those that have captured the Western States.

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