The SINGLE DOCUMENT That Is The Archilles Heel Of 18 Years Of "The War On Terror" Lie.

The Frank Taylor Report was the legal basis for NATO's article 5 being invoked.

Here bulleted below I quote from the NATO website.

  • Collective defence means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies.
  • The principle of collective defence is enshrined in Article 5 of the Washington Treaty.
  • NATO invoked Article 5 for the first time in its history after the 9/11 terrorist attacks against the United States

Basically, through Article 5 it's the basis of 18 years of military action starting with the occupation of Afghanistan.

It was declassified in 2008 in what I believe was the only oversight by US government conspiritors in their effort to lie to the US people. It appeared on Intel Files in 2009 and only recently has the critical importance of the document has been understood. It was danish Professor Niels Harrit (Associate Professor of Chemistry for Copenhagen University for 37 years) who first made the connection. The esteemed Professor tasted the sting of organised Deep State public smear campaign after doing nothing more than report his expert findings on the use of nanothermite in the demolition World Trade Centre 7. The resulting backlash subsequently caused him to join the 9/11 truth movement.

Where is one of history's most famous documents in terms of consequence?  Here it is, unredacted:

Why exactly is it so important? Let's go back to time the decisions were made.

Lord Robertson, NATO's general secretary gives the legal justification required for getting all 19 countries on board for military action, citing the Frank Taylor reports compelling EVIDENCE.

The above clip was taken from NATO'S official YouTube channel.

Here is a great synopsis from the Corbett Report of the events at the time, and why it took so many years for the penny to drop. It all comes down to dates which make the story impossible, and "cut and paste" repetitions being where they shouldn't, and the fact that THE REPORT CONTAINS NO EVIDENCE.

(Transcript available on

How can this scenario not be a candidate for one of the greatest historical oversights? Of course it is, we just aren't allowed the faculty of critical thought required to think it.

As for all those academics at US institutions still towing the line, all those good dogs barking for their biscuits in internet "skeptics" forums defending the governments official 9/11 conspiracy theory (the most crackpot of all the crackpot theories) and all those MSM presstitute talking heads, just remember this. The time is coming to choose which side of history to be on.
The thin veneer of decency is nearly gone, soon we will all be confronted with the fact that we have no effect on the Orwellian Cabal than lurks behind the curtain.
How will we react? No idea.

All I know is this: To name a thing for what it is, is to take its power.

In a moment of ireverant stupidity and before realising it would be impossible to rig explosive devices in WT7 in under 2 weeks, let alone in under 2 hours following the Chaos of the 9/11 attacks. LS made this stunning attempt at explaining the clear controlled demolition of the tower that fell without being hit by a plane.

We Are Change ( some actual Journalism at work here in a time of universal media selling out, with the balls to confront him on his stunning admission above.


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