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The politics of fear

Climate Change: 

I've making a big deal and possibly poking alot of fun at certain groups because of the record-breaking cold thats been so widespread lateley. Apart from one or two isolated records in Japan on single days, the only real "hottest ever" case being put forward for the last few years by the "hottest year ever" brigade is from the SE Australian summer 2018/2019. So we have one cut and dry case.

Or do we? What if we actually have nothing? What if there is no anomalous info anywhere? What if it is all normal being spun as doomsday? it is actually now near impossible to know which summer was the hottest ever summer – because of the extensive remodelling of our temperature history. 
The hottest summer on record except for the ones that we’ve changed:

Climate fearmongering has smartly evolved from the effective short term fearmongering like this:

To open ended fear that can make a definative statement about the earth being doomed but not require itself to commit to any sort of short, medium or long term prediction whilst assuring us they know exactly whats in store in the short, medium and long terms. Now that, my friends, is an ART!

Why Experts Always Seem To Get It Wrong

In 1798, there were about a billion people in the world and economist Thomas Malthuspredicted that overpopulation would lead to war and famine.  In 1968, at 4 billion people, experts published The Population Bomb and The Limits to Growth and predicted the same thing.
Today, in 2014, there are over 7 billion people on the planet.  Nevertheless, global poverty and violence are at all-time lows.  Even carbon emissions are dropping (at least in the US).  It seems the that experts were mistaken.

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