Particle Physics: The absurdity of a new collider

I promised this post after posting this infographic which I recently compiled. There are a few words beneath it linking to all sorts of criticism I've previously posted.  Needless to say, it has taken some time to get the thoughts into writing.

It also follows a critical synopsis of Quantum Electrodynamics found HERE.

At this point, despite coming across like the Grinch of science, I must reiterate that nothing I've taken aim at has any bonafide engineering based on it. It is all theoretical and as such it's out there for critical analyses in keeping with the spirit of science. The only engineering involved is the massively costly projects funded by taxpayers yielding no meaningful results, which is what this blog is all about, and in that spirit, I honestly feel I have no choice in the matter.

So enjoy the clip, keep an open mind, and consider the consequences bad science and beaurocratic nepotism are currently having on the world.

That is all :) 

The absurdity of a new collider

The cost
Ongoing costs are split across various projects with the CMS and ATLAS Detectors - those responsible for the supposed Higgs boson discovery, which is estimated to have cost over $13 billion in total - being responsible for around $5.5 billion a year. CERN contributes approximately one-fifth of that cost with the rest coming from other international organizations, all ultimately ending up part of the monopoly the standard models of particle physics and cosmology have over public funding from taxpayers.


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