The consensus science "con" they pull on your "senses". An Infographic and links.

Why does big science defend the intellectually bankrupt nonsense Lambda-CDM Concordance Cosmological Model (Standard Model)?

This infographic is saturated with what may seem like sensational claims to the uninitiated. Sensational claims require sensational evidence, right? Well, you will be surprised to discover that all the same evidence interpreted through the ^CDM framework as supporting a universe that is 96% undetectable (even using the most hi-tech of methods) IS THAT SENSATIONAL EVIDENCE!  At least it becomes so when simply interpreted through the lens of known science rather than inventing new physics each time observation does not match theory.  

This is such an important basic issue and we can't allow it to slip through the cracks. In science what is called for in such cases is we are not meant to continuously tweak the same theory for decades until it gets more accurate results. Obviously, we are meant to come up with a theory with better predictive success.  Science does not, in any way, involve making errors but being so full of hubris that instead of trying again we simply state "Actually we can't be wrong, we are right but what we are observing is simply invisible and undetectable except through inference of its gravitational interaction.  Well, it's that assumption, that we already knew for example what drives galaxies, that we had the answer before needing to run the experiment, that is when we stopped doing science and started doing sorcery. Furthermore,  that same evidence is backed up by experiment and does not require any magic or new physics to explain (unlike dark matter, strange matter, neutronium, black holes, and the litany of other theoretical fundamentals standard cosmology is based on).

This is discovered everywhere that theoretical science that has a monopoly of public funding (and an absence of engineering based on its principles).  Here (below) is a collection of posts and source materials showing how clear the case actually is for a 100% "accounted for" universe.  This also means a universe that works perfectly based on all the known scientific principles. These articles will also show how many absurd ideas have crept into theoretical physics. I refer to ideas that are unfalsifiable, unevidenced, and in some cases clearly impossible. Most of them were DECIDED ON rather than DISCOVERED. They put the "con" in "consensus" science.

Sources and Citations

The Lambda CDM Concordance model or Standard Cosmological Model.

Gravity plays almost no role in galactic rotation.

Redshift is not evidence of an expanding universe, expanding space or dark energy.

The CMB is not evidence of a "big bang".

Dark Matter? Doesn't Matter.


Comets, asteroids and meteors.

There is no such thing as an electrically neutral universe, even if the overall charge is zero.

How do electrodynamics work in space?

Gravity: The uncomfortable and completely ignored problem posed by dinosaurs.

The sun and stars

Other cosmology approaches that DO account for EM forces (currently suppressed) with predictive success rates that are literally hundreds of times better than the standard model. 

 Next: The Standard Particle Zoo. I mean Model  


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