Global Warming finally goes on trial!

We can no longer,  in good conscience,  keep defending models we know are not only false,  but purposefully fraudulent.  There is a difference between an error and a crime. 

I recently did a broadly cast takedown of the whole phenomenon where I debunk the science,  the politics,  the business,  media and link all these elements together historically  in a way that should finally make sense to the casual reader.  At least this was my aim. I STRONGLY ADVISE FIRST READING THIS:

The full article,  which gives great detail about the technical take down of these models,  can be found here:

If you want to know more about the Rowan Atkinsonesque Lord Monitor (in appearance only)  Christopher Walter Monckton, the third Viscount Monckton of Brenchely, is a former British politician affiliated with the UK Independence Party.
Here is his blog:


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