More Alternatives to group think and consensus reality

Don't fall for the red herring that the Cambridge Analytica scandal is about that group,  THIS IS ABOUT FACEBOOK!  In fact,  let's be serious here,  this is a broader issue  than that actually,  but that's not the point of this post.

If you really want to get to the heart of it Dean Henderson does a better job of deconstructing it than I do on his blog:

At the foundation it can be broken down into two main categories.  1) Search Engines and 2) Social Media.

I've already dealt with search engines,  be sure to read that post before reading this.  Here it is:

Regarding social media,  here are two perspectives :


Make no mistake,  this is not about Trump,  or the Dems or any trivial partisan issues the presstitute echoe chamber will no doubt cough up,  this is much more fundamental and serves as nothing more than a reminder that there is algorithmic prejudice,  leaking (for both commercial and intelligence marshaling)  along with a general attitude of profiling and reality manipulatation that has psychological,  geopolitical and otherwise generally Orwellian unease associated with it.

Rather than getting bogged down in it I'll focus on Alternatives that don't serve this sort of ethos as obediently,  as I did with part 1) above regarding search engines.

Alternatives to social media sites like Facebook,  Twitter,  YouTube and the like. 

STEEMIT.  This is the gold standard,  a blockchain solution!

Bitchute is a torrent based platform  and all within your browser which is very valuable for those who see this as a viable solution :

Minds is considered a solid option because it's encrypted,  open source,  community owned and places a lot of value on free speech,  which is one of the most contentious aspects of all of this.  There is a caution with minds,  I've been told there are issues but since I've not tried it I'll let you decide.

D tube. 
Any crypto-decentralized streaming platform gets my vote.  Comes recommended.

For those of you disillusioned or suspicious of Western social media? Are you the sort of person who doesn't #BlamePutin every time you get a flat tyre?  VK was originally a Russian platform now gaining massive popularity worldwide.

As usual if you have suggestions or cautions,  I'm only too happy to hear them,  see the contact details for me in the non-mobile web version of this blog.


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