Money Printing For Dummies

The easiest way to get people to appreciate the fundamental fraud of the two forms of bankster currency creation is with an oversimplification. Below are some links to more detailed posts regarding currency creation through history and today.

For Dummies ;)

Central/Reserve bank currency creation (also Quantitative Easing)

By having a private central bank create currency rather than have the state mint it interest-free the state enters into immediate inflation because the private central banks have interest attached for revenue or treasury bondholder profit purposes. The central banks tend to spin what amounts to lack of taxpayer oversight as a good thing and endlessly brag about "independence". The inflation, which is largely due to the money supply being created for the state (for no reason) then becomes the reason itself used to justify its existence, and "price stability" has become the only concern of central banks such as the Federal Reserve Bank in the United States.  Repeat: Inflation due to interest being inherent in debt-based currency as well as interest as well as inflation from expanding the money supply by printing faster than goods and services expand, is something they themselves cause and thereby justify their own existence. The state could simply print its own currency interest-free and devise a means to mitigate deficit spending which should become enforceable by becoming a constitutional matter.

A persuasive case could be made that this would also eliminate wars relating to central bankers and the Petrodollar, which is the vast majority of all wars..

Meme Fuel:  Central Banks sell us money at a very reasonable profit.  I want to know why I can't set up my printer to sell a country its money, I'll beat anyone's price!

Commercial Banks.

Banks don't loan you your mortgage/home loan from a capital account or asset account which would justify the interest in the practices of traditional banking, instead the create new currency on the national balance sheet and for the the privileged position as state counterfeiter then charge us exorbitant interest for money not loaned out in the first place. To add insult to injury, these fake loans are securitised anyway,  protecting the banks. If you repay your 'loan" principal plus interest, the effect of the interest on the currency is inflationary whereas the principal amount is effectively destroyed as new currency in a complex process explained in one of the below links.

The real tragedy comes in when a taxpayer is foreclosed on, losing his house at the massive penalty for the crime of not replacing counterfeited currency with genuine currency repaid from the existing money supply. What this effectively results in the source of the wealth transfer/wealth divide plaguing the neoliberal West today. It is built into the system.

Here is the relationship between money printing and markets, evidencing how the corruption at source by a central command economy regulated by monetary policymakers has effectively replaced free market capitalism and the true market-driven economies which produced the wealth for the populations that the banksters are slowly draining with their sorcery.

Meme Fuel: Commercial Banks launder the counterfeit counter-fiat currency in mortgages and swap them sellable properties that represent land and real value, which is getting scarcer as their currency becomes common.

So now you know, the banksters are systemically responsible for half of societies ills, without committing a single additional sin. Naturally, they will also commit further sins...

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