
I have this crazy idea that we can solve pretty much all of our biggest problems.  I'm talking globally here, but I wouldn't exclude personal issues either.

If this is true, what the hell is stopping us?  I have a few ideas, others have different ideas.  Sometimes they clash and I want to work out exactly why that is and if it is avoidable and within the means of our biological nature and our currently defined psychology.

This blog will propose ideas that will be shaped by criticism and contribution. When enough themes have been explored, a completed body of work will emerge.  Make no mistake, boundaries will be tested, in some cases severely and there may be strong reactions.  Those reactions may even be the essential clues that I'm looking for.

The issues raised will eventually be (purposefully) highly provocative, but not provocative for the sake of provocation, I need to reasonably clear on that, and policed on that issue to be kept in line. In order to get the desired feedback I obviously require feedback from sources I consider my most valued perspectives, IE those looking to be free from attachment to baggage and sentiment that are not truly their own.  I may be privileged to uncover unexpected perspectives that I couldn't have imagined on my own.  I live in hope I guess I'll do my best to avoid the frauds out there, those who have already decided who they are and which values represent them.  I have little interest in dogma or predictable closed policies from the established social institutions and their political agenda's.  

Not giving them a mouthpiece in this space has less to do with fairness or open-mindedness and more to do with having limited time and scope to shape the material by filtering it through the perspectives I need the most because, rather than going around in closed dogmatic circles of pseudo logic, each of you may likely contribute something I need or do not already have.

In the meantime I want to raise a qualifier by way of an introduction:

Who are you? Who am I?

To be honest I don’t really know. I've never really been encouraged to find out, not beyond a token gesture at least, and I propose that neither have you.  When our parents and teachers tell us to go out there and find ourselves we now know through a myriad of self-help books and pop-psychology catch phrases on social media applied and recited without context, that what they really mean is go out there and choose a label.  The strange thing is that knowing this is not stopping most of us from going out there and doing exactly that.  

My ominous plan involves demonstrating without a shadow of doubt that none of us really knows terribly much about ourselves.  And that’s part of the reason for putting pen to paper in an attempt to explore the themes surrounding what defines us and how we identify ourselves to the world.  Who we think we are fundamentally influences our interactions with the world around us and filters our methods of getting in touch with our perceived values and morals.  Finding out who we really are will require shaking these foundations to their very core, and may even invoke a slight crises of identity along the way.  This crisis, for the truly free, can only open up possibilities that did not previously exist through some or other form of exclusion. Being free and open to new solutions, or solutions that already exist but seem alien to us, may be all that missing from many lives on planet earth.

I want each person reading to this to take my challenge, and when threatened or confronted with logic that doesn't resound, I want to hear your reasoning, justifications and suspicions with what I suggest as barriers to processing information freely.  It will not be easy.     

Exploring these connections has been a profound and awe inspiring journey for me personally, and I cannot complete it alone. That is still not the only reason I feel I have something external to offer the world.  If who we are, what our identity seems to be, truly  imposes limitations on our ability to think about all the important issues facing the world, then we will all agree that it needs to be addressed.  Once we have made a connection with a group, image or identity of any kind, our attachment to this notion of self requires re-enforcement in order to sustain a sense of belonging.  As long that remains important to us we will always need to process information available to us in life, the media, in church, parliament, at work, school or anywhere else, all within the broader description of what is required to sustain our identities.  In other words,

If it is possible to reject this notion of attachment to an identity that defines our value system  the ramifications are profound.  Help me find out.